Hurricane Andrew Vs. Super Typhoon Haiyan

ScreenHunter_133 Nov. 08 08.55

Jeff Masters says that Haiyan had the highest wind speeds ever. Compare vs. the damage from Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

ScreenHunter_132 Nov. 08 08.53

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Hurricane Andrew Vs. Super Typhoon Haiyan

  1. Traitor In Chief says:

    Andrew winds at landfall down around 165 too….

    I was in a CAT 1 in FL in 1999 and even that knocked over trees.

  2. Reblogged this on Catholic Glasses and commented:
    False Flag Weather now. What will Obama think of next? Oh yeah … an on the Today Show Colorectal Check of Matt Lauer’s and Al Roker’s Prostates. I never watch it. Just reading about it on Twitter makes you want to toss your cookies . There is such idiocy in news; and faux news!

  3. D. Self says:

    Haiyan top wind speeds are estimates only. So why not add 30mph to the estimate??

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    PAGASA reported landfall at 235 kph (146 mph).

    3 deaths – 2 by electrocution, 1 struck by lightning – by the strongest storm in history???

    Masters’ latest post, sticking to his guns:

  5. Karl W. Braun says:

    A major reason for the lesser property damage experienced in the Philippines is that much of the construction there employs cinder block, concrete, and rebar – especially in the cities and towns.

  6. I wish nothing but the very best to those affected. My thoughts and prayers are with them. It’s time to seriously think about global warming or climate change before it’s too late.

  7. Rosco says:

    Obviously the building code in the Philippines is vastly superior to the building code in Florida – what other explanation could there possibly be ??? Hmmm.

  8. Larry Geiger says:

    Andrew was a very bad thing in a very tightly confined corridor. We went down there to help out two weeks after and it was a mess. Yet only a few miles north every thing was fine. I have no idea what the wind speed actually was but I saw concrete foundations wiped clean. No pipes sticking up, nothing. Flat concrete. All trees in one neighborhood knocked down. Every growing thing in the yards, streets and wrapped around the houses. It took a month to finally get the roads cleared in there.

    I’ve been through quite a few hurricanes here in Florida but I think that Andrew was just about the most powerful, at least in a limited area. Now Andrew had no storm surge damage in the areas that I was in , just wind. Not even that much rain or flooding it went by so fast. In the pictures and video I’ve seen from the Philippines, I haven’t seen any wind like they had in Andrew.

  9. New Hampshire had 231mph winds (200kt (ain’t convertin’ it to that fake French crap they use at NASSA)) in 1934 & somehow we still have houses standing. Of course, the racial diversity up here isn’t all that, so that’s probably half of it right there.

  10. Miguel Straw says:

    Hurricane Andrew was said to have tornadoes which attributed to the flattening of the property in South Florida… My heart goes out to the victims of both storms…

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