If You Like Your High Plane Fares, You Can Keep Your High Plane Fares

Delta Airlines says that ObamaCare will cost the company $38 million directly over the next year, and nearly $100 million when all additional costs are factored in.

A June letter signed by Robert Knight, Delta’s senior vice president for government affairs, said that the company will absorb some of those costs but will also end up sharing some of them with employees. Ultimately, Knight wrote, ObamaCare “will result in increasing costs, for both companies and our employees, and will also reduce the benefits provided.”

Delta vs. ObamaCare – Reason.com

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to If You Like Your High Plane Fares, You Can Keep Your High Plane Fares

  1. Phil Jones says:

    Guess he won’t get an invite to the White House for dinner …

    Expect this guy to be replaced or perhaps Delta flights will get diminished by the Government at various airports…

  2. Mike D says:

    One of the other things that affected airlines and passengers is the fines for flight delays. There used to be talk of a passenger’s bill of rights which would have given passengers compensation for long flight delays. But this administration chose to have the government get the benefit through fines instead of the passengers being compensated. The injured party is the passenger, yet the government gets the money.

    So what ends up happening is the airlines pass that cost along to everyone, and they just cancel flights that have a high chance of being delayed. There is no fine for cancellations, but there is a fine if flights are delayed. The fine is up to $27,500 per passenger on a delayed flight so it is clearly better just to cancel and pay for hotel rooms.

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