If You Like Your Slimy Dishonest Congressman, You Can Keep Your Slimy Dishonest Congressman

WASHINGTON –  A month after emerging from a government shutdown at the top of their game, many Democrats in Congress newly worried about the party’s re-election prospects are for the first time distancing themselves from President Barack Obama after the disastrous rollout of his health care overhaul.

Dems worrying about re-election prospects distancing themselves from Obama over health law rollout | Fox News

A month ago they chose to shut down the government rather than delay Obamacare.

While appearing on Sunday’s edition of ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., admitted Democrats in the Senate knew Obama lied when he said Americans could keep their insurance

N.Y. Dem. Senator admits: ‘We knew’ Obama lied about healthcare promise – National Policy & Issues | Examiner.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to If You Like Your Slimy Dishonest Congressman, You Can Keep Your Slimy Dishonest Congressman

  1. Ta'Shiqua Ra'Nae O'Malley says:

    Gosh, what a surprise! I mean, really, who knew, eh?

  2. Phil Jones says:

    The Sequester was supposed to be a disaster… Gobernmints shutdown a disaster… Yet neither are memorable… More failed predictions…

  3. The Iconoclast says:

    Will the democrat pols deny they were down with Obama and will the press carry water for them in the next election? My guess, hell yes.

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