If You Like Your Tea-Baggers, You Can Keep Your Tea-Baggers

Obama says he defends the rights of flat earth bitter tea-baggers who cling to guns and religion, whom he doesn’t have time to debate and he hopes none work for the government.

ScreenHunter_148 Nov. 30 05.00

Obama Refers to Tea Party Members as ‘Tea-baggers’

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to If You Like Your Tea-Baggers, You Can Keep Your Tea-Baggers

  1. Chewer says:

    Which would you rather be a Tea Baggee or the lucky Tea Bagger?
    We know the Tea Baggee’s have rather foul breath, and quite odiferous I’d say.

  2. Hugh K says:

    Really?!? The Liar-in-Chief actually closes with “Sincerely”?

    Meanwhile back in reality we’ll be waiting for the follow-up; Excuse me Mr. Potter, I believe there is an Ira S on the phone that wishes to have a word with you…

  3. Blade says:

    How much you wanna bet that term “tea-bagger” describes something the idiot-in-chief knows personally.

    His baseball pitching photos are a dead giveaway.

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