It Is That New Kind Of Category Five Hurricane, With 22 MPH Winds

ScreenHunter_123 Nov. 08 06.58


ScreenHunter_124 Nov. 08 06.59


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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to It Is That New Kind Of Category Five Hurricane, With 22 MPH Winds

  1. Kyle K says:

    I don’t see how you view that reading as accurate. It’s clearly still spinning around at hurricane force winds, minimum.

    Time sensitive link:

    • It is right off Jeff Masters web site – the 195 MPH guy.

    • Ernest Bush says:

      You need a prescription of sarc tablets. The joke is that nothing about this site is accurate with respect to this typhoon. is more about supporting the Warmist view and less about accurate reporting. I notice Masters is sticking to his original line this morning. Rood’s blog is about explaining away the NH ice growth. Nothing new here, move along folks.

  2. Stewart Pid says:

    Maybe Cameron is working for NOAA and making storms just like he makes blue skinned chicks 😉

  3. Traitor In Chief says:

    Here’s a cool page with interesting stuff about Andrew

  4. Blade says:

    Steve, could it be the that their odometer simply lapped around twice and 22 mph really means 222 mph?


    So this weather blogger Jeff Masters has completely morphed into a scientist now? How low we have sunk scraping the bottom of this barrel. All those thousands of examples you have found of historical articles full of egregious errors and hyperbole don’t hold a candle to our enlightened modern age. It’s as if we have learned nothing.

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