Koch Brothers Control The Weather With Their Minds

ScreenHunter_262 Nov. 12 19.57

Twitter / JeffDSachs: Climate liars like Rupert Murdoch …

He must be talking about the 1931 flood in China which killed two million people.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Koch Brothers Control The Weather With Their Minds

  1. “Climate liars” – these people do project don’t they?

  2. Chuck says:

    Climate disasters. Ha!

  3. Traitor In Chief says:

    It’s hard to be evil every day. I’m going to go throw a plastic bag on the ground, and turn on some extra lights.

  4. Joseph says:

    Honest question: How is one supposed to disprove such stupidity when no one voters to check the facts?

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Two million died in China the year Rupert was born? I’m surprised they haven’t started a witch trial. They have been slowly roasting him in the UK though.
    Alarmists like Sachs must have been dropped as a baby. I blame their mothers for not taking better care of them.

  6. Billyjack says:

    This clown is the reason I dropped the Scientific American magazine, when he was given a monthly column to promote Marxism.

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