Latest CO2 Sensitivity Data

In the 21st century, temperatures have steadily declined while CO2 has increased. If current trends continue, when we reach 600 PPM, all claimed 20th century warming should be erased.

ScreenHunter_75 Nov. 16 07.49


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Latest CO2 Sensitivity Data

  1. tom0mason says:

    But before then, if the Malthusians have their way, there will be no fires, no engines, no man-made warmth. The comfort that the western nations enjoy now will be erased if we let them have their way.

    • LOL in Oregon says:

      Wait, Wait, Wait!
      That is only for the hoi polloi!
      The “real folk”,
          who demonstrate their worth,
              by following the eco-religion doctrine,
          will be celebrated in Valhalla, as they deserve!
      Virgins! Kool-aide! plenty of “twigs and sticks”!
      All the comforts of hunter/gathers having a short, hard life and high infant mortality!

      Of course, these victims of
          pathological altruism, Dunning-Kruger effect, and clueless ego-centricity,
      might get a bit frustrated in their delusions
          behind those unbreakable glass panels in the asylum
      where the only “virgins” are the sheep and cows grazing outside!

  2. Kent Clizbe says:


    There’s a long-running struggle to inject reality into discussions on the National Public Radio (NPR) website:

    Of course, NPR’s spin injects “CO2 caused it” alarmism into any story about anything to do with nature, weather, or virutally any other topic.

    A determined person, who goes by the screen-name of Phil Jones, carries on a lonely but determined effort against the bully-boys of Politically Correct end-of-the-worlders.

    It’s worth checking in at NPR (you can subscribe to NPR’s weekly science email digest) to see how the battle is advancing.

    Phil could use some help, too.

    All the best.

    Kent Clizbe

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Steven, please read the latest article from Timothy Ball about CO2. They have been tampering the entire subject including the measurements and and the past records. Besides that the measurement of atmospheric CO2 levels is in the exclusive hands of a single entity.

    The entire story stinks from top to bottom.

    • I’m perfectly happy to have them upwards adjust CO2 data. It makes the decline in temperatures look even worse for them.

      • R. de Haan says:

        Right, I see the advantage of this approach.

        Only a few people realize that the entire CO2 record, just like the temperature record is a scam too.

    • X says:

      Thanks for the link. From the article,
      Nothing protects “… any statement in science against falsification…” Karl Popper.
      IPCC keeps forgetting this part.
      The increase of CO2 levels after 1600’s in Fig.1 here,
      is just the natural increase with higher temps of the post LIA period.
      There is a clear local minimum in the open squares curve (Siple, Antarctica) during the time of the Maunder minimum (which obviously makes sense, if you consider the increased absorption of CO2 by colder oceans), while if you consider the 83 years shift due to air age, the connection is lost and the minimum goes to 1740’s, which makes no sense.
      It’d be interesting if we could have a *true* set of CO2 levels for a larger period, like in the last 2,000 years, to analyze/compare the variations with known warmer and colder climates during this period.

  4. X says:

    CO2 is a coolant, the stratosphere has been cooling in the last 30 years or so (well, at least on the average, in fact it had 2 “step changes” downward), the atmosphere is drier now than 30 years ago and clouds are forming closer to the ground, favoring cooling due to albedo, etc.
    The only reason the new LIA has not started yet is the *huge* warming caused by the Sun last century, especially in the 2nd half. The radiations reverted and warming stopped.
    The top of the heat was reached at the turn of the century.
    There is *nothing* to avoid the new LIA now.

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