Latest From The LA Times New Mexico Unrecoverable Drought

A few weeks ago, the “facts only” LA Times announced that New Mexico would never recover from the drought.

Aug. 6, 2013

Nowhere is it worse than in New Mexico. In this parched state, the question is no longer how much worse it can get but whether it will ever get better — and, ominously, whether collapsing ecosystems can recover even if it does.

New Mexico is the driest of the dry –

About three weeks after the article was written, New Mexico was flooded.

ScreenHunter_585 Sep. 15 07.10

Record-breaking rain swamps NM, forces evacuations | ABQJournal Online

And now they have a huge early snowstorm coming in.

November 19, 2013

A potent cold front is then expected to plunge southwestward across eastern New Mexico Thursday and Thursday night ushering in very cold temperatures for late November. This front will surge through gaps in the Central Mountain chain Thursday night and create an extended period of strong east winds below canyons opening into the Rio Grande Valley likely to last through Saturday night. Although the broad upper level storm system will stall over the upper Baja Peninsula through Saturday… it will begin to spread accumulating snow across northern and western New Mexico Thursday night and Friday as the cold front causes snow levels to lower. In addition… on the far eastern plains freezing precipitation may produce light ice accumulation Thursday night through Friday night or Saturday. With the front pushing well into Arizona on Saturday…  precipitation may briefly wane over much of New Mexico before increasing in coverage and intensity again Sunday and Monday as the upper low finally ejects northeastward over the state.

Warnings for Jemez Mountains, New Mexico | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Latest From The LA Times New Mexico Unrecoverable Drought

  1. Jorge says:

    Only deniers believe in facts.

  2. A.D. Everard says:

    Sounds like Australia a few years ago when it was announced that we were in permanent drought.

    It’s amazing that anyone is still listening to these alarmists who rejoice in any promise of woe and exaggerate the worst in everything. It’s time we pack them up and send them home and forbid them ever near a microphone again. Enough is enough.

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      Exactly. I always say it’s amazing how it never fails to rain after a drought. Trouble is, we (Oz) import too many people from countries that have a monsoon every arvo that have no dams and no clue as to where our water comes from and our dams suffer as a result.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I’m convinced that the Alarmists (and the BOM) are 100% wrong on all predictions so the best way to plan is for the exact opposite of what they predict. The BOM in Australia is predicting drought and extreme heat. We are gonna get rain and cold…. no doubt in my mind.
    In fact, Kalgoorlie (home of the Superpit) yesterday was unseasonably cold and very wet with big thunderstorms. It’s in the desert. My mate called me to say “Where’s this bloody globull warming when you need it!”
    Perth was beeautifull yesterday, as it is all this week. Alarmists would say that’s extreme!

  4. kbray in california says:

    The “drought” recovery must have involved some type of Human or Animal Sacrifice.
    This has to be the explanation for a true believer.

  5. gator69 says:

    Drought-floods! It’s worse than we thought!

  6. Phil Jones says:

    I’ve detected a correlation between CO2 and Hoaxer predictions…. The more CO2 the more predictions we get… And the further these predictions miss the target…

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