These two articles are on the same page of the Guardian. Compare the wind speeds.
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Unprecedented GLO-BULL warming wind speed of a bazillion miles per hour!!
Warmists are going into apoplexy now that the Australian Government is unwinding all their carefully manufactured alarmist carbon taxes and research graft (Oops I mean grants). They are coming under repeated challenge from skeptics.
Comments are quite funny, as warmists resort to ad homs against skeptics now that their “grave facts” are proven to be a load of crap.
Remember, Katrina only made a glancing blow on New Orleans. The failure of the levies on the canals that connect Lake Pontchatrain with the Mississippi river was the culprit. The Corp of Engineers didn’t even bother to have a way to shut the water off entering the canals. Inadequate design, inadequate maintenance and an inadequate response on many levels of government water resource infrastructure should not be justification for changing energy infrastructure that does work successfully.
I don’t know why they keep comparing with Katrina. It was only a Cat 3.
As Sean says, all the damage was caused by the failure of the levies. Wind speeds had very little effect.
Let’s not forget that the levies that failed in New Orleans were, for the most part, due to the corrupt
DemocratsMarxists running the place. Pilings that were supposed to have been driven deep into the ground “mysteriously” ended up being a fraction of the length that the specs called for, thus allowing the water to undermine the levies behind them.Masters conveniently
forgetsomits the 1935 Labor Day (among others) hurricane that devastated the Keys. The damage caused by the storm, as well as barometer readings far from the eye, show that the likely sustained winds were 200 mph, with higher gusts.Keep shovelin’ that shi’ite, Masters, your pimp in the WH won’t keep the green flowing if you ever start telling the truth.
The ground measured wind speeds as could be found on weather underground at the time with relation to IRENE and SANDY in the US and the Bahama’s were way out of line with those reported by the NHC. It was a sad revelation for a once reputable organization such as the NHC. Sad, very sad. Actually very, very sad. Are the same issues affecting the Pacific region? I hate to say it, but do we need to look to China and Russia for the truth?
That is the sad reality that we live in, unfortunately. One keeps expecting Rod Serling, with lit cigarette in hand, to step out from behind a tree and give his closing monologue, then have things go back to normal. Too bad we can’t just change the channel and have the Neo-Marxists go away like a bunch of late-50’s B-movie antagonists.