Model Country : North Korea Achieves 80% Reduction In CO2 Emissions

While the Democratic People’s Republic of America struggles to reduce emissions by 5%, North Korea has already achieved an 80% reduction.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Model Country : North Korea Achieves 80% Reduction In CO2 Emissions

  1. tom0mason says:

    But with Hope and Change …

  2. Pathway says:

    This is the model that the Little Dictator wants to emulate.

  3. eco-geek says:

    I think the FED, Obama and his Wall Street handlers will soon surpass the achievements of North Korea.

  4. Looks like a reverse hockey stick. Did Michael Mann do this? Just asking.

  5. Gary H says:

    Yet another success of the Clinton era.

  6. Scott Scarborough says:

    Call me stupid, but what exactly happened in 1997 to cause the 80% reduction in per-capita carbon release in North Korea?

  7. Phil Jones says:

    Perfect Huff Po Headline… Which we’ll never see…

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