My Personal Story Of Warm Climate Survival

After driving down a snow and ice covered I-25 last week with dozens of cars in the ditch, I made it to the airport and left the safe climate of Colorado to travel to the tropical hell pictured below.

Note the disfigured pine trees and sea encroaching on the beach, which was 120 metres lower only 20,000 years ago.

ScreenHunter_142 Nov. 29 18.47

On the airline flight option page, I declined to purchase carbon offsets, and used the money instead for an extra shot of tequila.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to My Personal Story Of Warm Climate Survival

  1. Bob Greene says:

    Notice the natives. They can’t afford clothes. Sounds like a place direly in need of climate justice payments.

  2. Martin C says:

    . . . what . .? ? ! ? the airline was trying to scam people into buying carbon offsets ? ! ?

    . . I’d ask which airline was pulliing this cr@p . . . but is just seems to like too much irony for them to even do that . . wait, did Obuttwipe buy an airline , just to try to make travelers feel bad about what they were doing . . . ? ! ? 🙂 🙂 ( . .sorry, I’ve had a few myself tonight . . ! 🙂 )

  3. This is what Churchill Canada will look like a few hockey sticks from now. Note the lack of polar bears.

  4. Scott Scarborough says:

    How many species have become extinct? How can you stand the temperature? It must be way, way over the 3 C temp. limit established by the IPCC! And you experienced the change in a day rather than 100 years. How can you possibly still be alive?

  5. Steve Case says:

    How do you sleep at night?

  6. Lance says:

    Your a good man Steve, helping the local population adjust to the severe climate there.
    Me,….well….I’m baling out of Southern Alberta on Sunday, just before this arrives:

    WOCN15 CWWG 292333 CCA
    Special weather statement
    Corrected by Environment Canada
    At 4:33 PM MST Friday 29 November 2013.
    Special weather statement for:
    =new= Southern Alberta.

    Winter storm with heavy snow and blowing snow starting
    Sunday night.

    An intense winter storm is forecast to develop and move into British
    Columbia on Sunday. Associated with this system, snow at times heavy
    will spread into Northwestern Alberta early Sunday morning. As the
    storm winds up, it will track southeastward into Central Alberta by
    Sunday evening and continue into Southern Alberta overnight. Total
    snowfall amounts by Tuesday morning will generally exceed 10 cm.
    Meanwhile areas in Central and Southern Alberta, especially those
    regions close to the foothills, could see more than 30 cm.

    In the wake of the storm system on Monday, strong northerly winds
    will develop and usher in cold Arctic air. Winds gusting above 60
    km/h will produce extensive blowing snow over Central and Southern
    Alberta. Over open areas including Major Highways, visibilities will
    deteriorate to blizzard conditions where travel would not be advised.

    As the Arctic high builds into the province on Tuesday, winds will
    diminish gradually from the north and temperatures will drop to
    Near minus twenty.

    At this time the track of the storm system and amount of heavy snow
    and blowing snow is uncertain. As the arrival of the storm nears and
    the situation becomes clearer, warnings will be issued as necessary.

    The public is advised to monitor future forecasts and warnings as
    warnings may be required or extended.

    Please monitor the latest forecasts and warnings from Environment
    Canada at


  7. tom0mason says:

    you may want to know that back in North America this last week has broken 1768 weather records –

    Snowfall: 253
    High Temp: 22
    Low Temp: 298
    Low Max Temp: 1167
    High Min Temp: 28,mintemp,snow,lowma%20x,highmin,

  8. Gerald Machnee says:

    Looks like a good number of climate refugees there.

  9. Colorado Wellington says:

    Good you knew about the 120 meters rise and went to the right place. The people who got there 20,000 years ago must have been pissed how far it was from the bar to the water.

  10. Scarface says:

    A real-science-life soap on climate survival, featuring Steven Goddard, now that would be something that THE CAUSE needs.

    Thanks Steve, for enduring all that heat and suffering, just to inform us about all the dangers. Btw, no climate summit going on there?

  11. Robertv says:

    From cold to warm is the easy part. The other way around is the hard stuff. When are you going home?

  12. Sundance says:

    Well at least only White people are being baked and drowned to death on the beach so alarmists will at least be happy in this case that climate justice is being served. 😉

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