NASA Steps Up Climate Fraud To A New Level

NASA claims that September was the hottest on record

NASA released global temperature data showing that this September tied with 2005 for the warmest September on record. That’s doubly impressive since 2005 was warmed by an El Niño and accompanying warm Pacific ocean temperatures, whereas 2013 has had cooler Pacific temperatures all year.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

They ignored their own satellites which showed that September was only 11th warmest since 1979, and instead based their fake claim on this fake map.


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

The map shows that Antarctica was super hot during September, as it broke sea ice extent records day after day. This makes no sense to anyone with an IQ greater than a turnip, which is why it works for GISS.

So how did they do it? With their magic brown crayon. The map below shows where they actually had temperature data in Antarctica. They painted the planet record hot, based on less than a dozen thermometers in Antarctica, which covered less than 25% of their claimed hot region.

ScreenHunter_09 Nov. 04 17.55

The antics of NASA scientists would make Enron accountants blush. Obama says that the latter group are evil, while the NASA fraudsters are heroes.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to NASA Steps Up Climate Fraud To A New Level

  1. jeremy says:

    Is it the rss that shows the 11th warmest?

  2. Paul in Sweden says:

    Why is it that the hottest places in the world are the locations with little or no instrumentation?

  3. omanuel says:

    Thanks, Steven, for realizing,“NASA Steps Up Climate Fraud.”

    AGW (anthropogenic climate change) is part of the post-WWII effort to
    _ 1. Unite Nations against a “Common Enemy”
    _ 2. End the Space Race quietly
    _ 3. Avoid nuclear war

    John F. Kennedy gave NASA responsibility for the Apollo Mission to the Moon.
    The Apollo program was cancelled after Kennedy’s death and Nixon’s election.

    Henry Kissinger made a secret visit to China in 1971 and agreed to cancel Apollo.
    Richard M. Nixon announced that decision on 5 Jan 1972; NASA never recovered.

    At the 1972 Lunar Science Conference, we were told an international spacecraft would be put into orbit and an international peace treaty would be signed (while orbiting the Earth) by
    _ a.) The United States President Nixon, and
    _ b.) USSR’s Supreme Leader Leonid Brezhnev

    That never happened, but NASA became a tool of propaganda after 1972.

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