New Jersey Sinking Into The Swamp

The tide gauge at Atlantic City, New Jersey shows almost twice the rate of sea level rise as satellite measurements.

Satellites show 2.8 mm/year, below the claimed global average.


Tide gauges show 5.2 mm/year, because fat people in the governor’s mansion are causing the state to sink.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to New Jersey Sinking Into The Swamp

  1. That’s as good a theory as any I’ve heard proposed in the field of climatology.

  2. daveburton says:

    Steve, twenty years isn’t enough to determine a robust sea-level trend, because of various cyclical processes, of up to 60 year duration. Click on “How long should an LTT sea level record be?” here:
    and especially here:

    Also, note that satellites don’t actually measure sea-level on the coast. Physicist Willie Soon explains it very well in this excellent lecture:

    NOAA reports that the Atlantic City tide gauge has measured a rate of sea-level change of +4 mm/year, with no evident acceleration, since the record began, 102 years ago:

    Peltier (VM2) estimates that 1.65 mm/yr of Atlantic City’s apparent sea-level rise is due to subsidence (which is probably an underestimate).

  3. kbray in california says:

    Lucky for him that fat floats…

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