No Indication Of Sea Level Rise In Miami

The beach is much wider now than it was in the 1950’s, and there is no indication of any sea level rise over the last 60 years at Miami Beach.

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Aerial Photo of Miami Beach, ca. 1950’s.

Claims that Florida is drowning are complete nonsense, spread by snake oil salesmen.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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31 Responses to No Indication Of Sea Level Rise In Miami

  1. This is relevant because Al Armist Gore says Florida will sink first

  2. A common theme of alarm is that coastal cities will flood. Observe how much the infrastructure has changed in the period covered by the photos. In 100 years from now, several more infrastructure cycles will have been completed.

  3. B Buckner says:

    It looks like a road was built between the buildings and ocean, likely on landfill. With that said, no visual evidence of sea level rise.

  4. NikFromNYC says:

    Floods are coded into the Jungian methylated genetic memories of everybody’s “junk” DNA. So is the Devil.

    Steve has a guilt complex, of some boring sort. But beyond that, he is a PR genius for loudly distinguishing between types of self-proclaimed skeptics, in his own way.

  5. Looks like the 1950’s pic was taken at high tide and modern one at low. Not sure, but I doubt fill was brought in because fill is dirt and dirt washes out to sea immediately. Fill that won’t wash out would be rip-rap or large rocks to protect beaches, with sand on top, but I don’t see any rocks here. This is just a sand bar.

  6. John says:

    Miami Beach spent $64 million to restore the beaches with offshore sand from 1976-1981.

  7. Andy DC says:

    There are millions of people living near the shore. Don’t you think someone would noticei if there was meaningful sea level riise? Why should there be sea level rise anyhow with worldwide ice very close to long term normal.

    • Andy, because North America is a plate floating on magma. Until a few thousand years ago there were 2 miles of ice on the upper half of the plate. When the ice melted, the upper half had to rise and the bottom half had to sink to level out. Like a frog jumping off a board.

      Europe is doing the same thing. Finland is rising and Italy is sinking.

  8. Traitor In Chief says:

    FL has countless oceanfront restaurants and hotels. You can visit any 50 y/o restaurant and see for yourself there has been no noticeable encroachment from the sea.

    Here’s a NOAA page that includes a map of water depths around Florida

  9. Frank says:

    Steve: Check out the before and after beach replenishment pictures for Miami Beach at this link:

    It’s absurd to draw any conclusions about such pictures. Globally sea level has risen about 10 inches in the last century, but local conditions (settling, pumping water from aquifers, glacial isostatic rebound, plate tectonics, winds) mean that different locations will experience different amounts of SLR.

    • No change in sea level in La Jolla, CA since 1871


      Gravity pulls tide gauges down. You think you know things which you don’t actually know.

      • bobklahn says:

        Unless you know what time and date those pictures were taken it means absolutely nothing. Oh, and a foot of tide change would be a lot less visible on a steep change like that than a very low ratio drop off on a beach.

    • Miami Beach is a sand bar or barrier island. Barrier islands shift around faster than Lindsay Lohan. One hurricane can ruin your whole day on a sand bar.

      My link above shows that the sea level has NOT risen 10 inches per century in Miami Beach. More like 3 inches. Nobody cares about 3 inches, just ask your wife.

  10. I recommend that you go look all the Florida tide gauge trends.

  11. gator69 says:

    My father was a seventh generation Floridian, and I have many family members who live there, some on the coast and a couple along the canals of Coral Gables. They have noticed zero sea level rise. They do report shifting beaches, due to erosion, but no evidence of any rising seas. My uncle had condos in the Keys, right on the water, and again reports zero sea level rise.

    Subsidence is a real issue along many coastlines, and Florida’s coasts are full of present day and ancient mangrove swamps, which do subside over time. When property values in Key West and Miami Beach plummet, then I will be concerned.

  12. bobklahn says:

    With beaches that wide today, and that short in 1950, either those pictures were taken at opposite tide levels, or they have added sand to the beaches, or seal levels have fallen quite a bit.

    Which do you chose?

  13. Martin Smith says:

    Apparently you don’t know that Miami Beach was built over a 5 year period from 1976 to 1981. Here is the relevant text:

    “The 10 miles (16 km)–long shoreline fronting Miami Beach, Florida was replenished over the period 1976–1981. The project cost approximately $64,000,000 and revitalized the area’s economy. Prior to nourishment, in many places the beach was too narrow to walk along, especially during high tide.”

    And here are the before and after photos:

    Don’t they look a lot like your photos.

  14. 4TimesAYear says:

    Reblogged this on 4timesayear's Blog.

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