NOAA : 3-5 Major Hurricanes This Year

NOAA is forecasting a 70 percent chance of 13 to 19 named storms, 6 to 9 of which would become hurricanes and 3 to 5 major hurricanes

NOAA UPDATE: ‘Very Active’ Hurricane Season Possible –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to NOAA : 3-5 Major Hurricanes This Year

  1. I give it a 3.466878% chance that they’ll admit they were dead wrong.

    But seriously: they’re just pulling these numbers out of their collective asses & assigning probilities to them using identical methodology.

  2. Don says:

    They’ll be back.

  3. There is a 97% consensus that there may or may not be very few or very many strong or weak hurricanes this season

  4. Their Ouija board was designed on a super computer.

  5. Phil Jones says:

    Even if they’re wrong again… Confidence levels will continue to go up despite all past failures…. The Low information voters don’t know what NOAA said last year or the year before… Nor they hysterical predictions made by Hansen over the years… NONE of which have come true!!

    Thanks for compiling this stuff for us Steven.

  6. WJohn says:

    No super-storms then?

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