NOAA Document Explains Why Disaster Costs Are A Useless Climate Indicator

One of the favorite tricks of climate alarmists is to use increasing disaster costs as an indication of a “worsening climate.” This 2007 NOAA document explains why the metric is useless and misleading.

ScreenHunter_188 Nov. 10 18.26

Continued coastal growth and inflation will almost certainly result in every future major landfalling hurricane (and even weaker hurricanes and tropical storms) replacing one of the
current costliest hurricanes.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to NOAA Document Explains Why Disaster Costs Are A Useless Climate Indicator

  1. Mike D says:

    Not just inflation, but the contents of buildings, types and number of vehicles, etc. How many electronic devices did your grandparents have in their house? How many changes of clothes, how much furniture?

    The average home size was very tiny until recently, so even the structures cost more when adjusted for inflation as does the labor to build them.

    Also the government rains money onto disasters, and they are not cost conscious when doing so, which just adds to cost without much additional value.

  2. Colorado Wellington says:

    Will The Knight Of The Bunnies report for duty and defend the fortress of the faithful or will he lend a hand to the marauding unbelievers?

    “Quoting death or damage without noting the different situation today is not very useful for comparison of storm strength.” Eli Rabett

  3. tom0mason says:

    Mandate a window tax to bring down costs.

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