NSIDC Says That The Arctic Is Rapidly Losing Ice

ScreenHunter_19 Nov. 04 19.16

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

It must be tough working for the mafia. What kind of pressure are these people under to deliver this BS?

ScreenHunter_20 Nov. 04 19.17

Twitter / ClimateSilence: “The rapid loss of ice in …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to NSIDC Says That The Arctic Is Rapidly Losing Ice

  1. nigelf says:

    They’re in denial Steven, they just refuse to see what the data is showing them.

  2. Pathway says:

    Ted Scam-bos you got to love it.

  3. kirkmyers says:

    It’s amazing the lengths some scientists will go to to impress their bosses and hold on to their job. “Climate science” has become an oxymoron. Which seems an appropriate term considering the level of intellect of those promoting it.

  4. Hew Manatee says:

    LOL – they have degenerated into “Climate-Science-by-Twitter” – all generated by a Magic 8-Ball.
    I guess that if another bed-wetter retweets or responds to this tweet, then they can claim that it has been “peer-reviewed.”

  5. Bob722 says:

    What Ted really meant to say:

    The rapid loss of my higher brain functions should be ringing alarm bells for everyone at the NISDC – Lead Scientist Ted Scambos

  6. A.D. Everard says:

    They know.

    They know we know.

    They know we know they know.

    This is criminal now. Billions wasted. Thousands if not hundreds of thousands dead around the world through green policies (some 25,000 to 30,000 dying of cold every year in Britain alone), through fuel poverty or starvation.

    The Green alarmists and their pandering governments have outdone every tyrant and dictator I can name. There is no way these people cannot be aware of the extent of suffering they cause. And if they are doing it for money, that double-damns them.

  7. Perry says:

    Any man with scam in his name is treacherous, IMHO.

  8. dsc says:

    I don’t think he read Steven’s comment correctly. Steven said “extent of the oldest thickest ice has doubled since 2011.” and his reply scoff back – ‘is this a joke? artic ice extent has doubled’. You would think a top “artic” scientist would be familiar with the difference between overall ice extent and multi year ice and be able to make an intelligent, informative reply back.

  9. @NJSnowFan says:

    Steve they have satellite data before the height of all Arctic sea ice charts start in late 1970’s.

    Just maybe someone can can dig it up.

    AMO shows the Atlantic ocean had started warm phase at peak of Arctic sea ice cycle.
    AMO is now off its peak and Ice recovered this year.
    AMO chart

  10. rw says:

    AGW is a gift. They’re all starting to sound like Baghdad Bob.

    (Imagine a football field filled with Baghdad Bobs. As if it were a half-time show.)

  11. Avery Harden says:

    Arctic sea ice extent for September 2013 may be somewhat better than September 2012, but it is still below the downward trend line from 1979. Besides, the real story is not extent, but volume. Even with a bit more extent in September 2013 over the record low extent of September 2012, the September 2013 volume is less than the 2012 volume.

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