“Consider that just a couple of weeks ago, Apple rolled out a new mobile operating system, and within days, they found a glitch, so they fixed it. I don’t remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads or threatening to shut down the company if they didn’t. That’s not how we do things in America.”
Obama: iPhones Have Glitches Just Like Healthcare.gov Has Glitches. Deal. | TechCrunch
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Logic like that from a “president” could get us all killed.
GLITCH ?!?! Yeah, like the Space Shuttle Challenger had a glitch.
“Impeach, now” should be on everyone’s lips.
WTF was I thinking should be in the minds of about half of Amerikans.
When Apple was making crappy, overpriced products that didn’t work very well, they very nearly did go out of business. A comparison between the ACA and Blackberry would have been more apt. Or better yet, Zune.
The exercise of free choice to purchase or not purchase an Apple product is what drives Apple to make their products be excellent. Government, with its coercive power, has little incentive to improve its products or control its costs, hence the DMV experience, the TSA experience, and now the ACA experience.
When people are allowed to choose, they mostly choose good stuff and shun bad stuff. The invisible hand, yo. It’s the government’s solutions that coerce and actively stifle choice, and we see the result, forcing kids to stay in failing schools, our ponzi scheme retirement program and now, more than ever, in their takeover of healthcare, which comprise 16% of the economy.
The greatest, most productive society ever is slowly being strangled by the busybodies and the bureaucrats, and decades of least common denominator schooling and indoctrination has left most of the people so ignorant and manipulable that they are vulnerable to fallacious arguments blaming capitalism and accepting ever more intrusive “solutions” that reduce freedom and centralize control. Were there a massive revolt today I have little doubt that the government we would create to replace what we have now will be worse on all counts.
Absolutely right. Had Apple not turned it around, they would have been a memory like the Commadore 64. And we have a choice to buy or not buy and which product we purchase or not purchase and no one is dictating which features the product must have.
Now that people who are actually in treatment for cancer are losing coverage, the better comparison is a drug that has side effects much worse than known from testing. Not only do people want those withdrawn, but it has happened several times in recent years.
As of now, fewer people will have health coverage on Jan. 1, than had it before Obamacare. They have to get 5 million just to be even, let a lone cover millions more people.
They tried to get everyone into home ownership and you would think they would learn after that turned out to be a disaster. This will be no different and much worse in a lot of ways. It’s a disaster and not one policy has gone into effect yet, Wait until people actually try to find a doctor because so many doctors and hospitals are not in the system. The real disaster is waiting in the wings.