Obama Says That Republican Extremists Opposed His Plan To Cancel 50 Million Insurance Policies

I just got this E-mail from the White House.


He says he is president for all Americans, except for anyone who disagrees with him.

“One of the things I’ve learned as president is, you represent the entire country… When you’re president, you gotta work for everybody, not just for some.”

Obama is the president of all Americans, not just the ones who agree with him, so shut up | The Daily Caller

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Says That Republican Extremists Opposed His Plan To Cancel 50 Million Insurance Policies

  1. The Spoiled-Brat-In-Chief (the first black Brat-In-Chief, how proud!). Where are the Little Rascals (“Let’s teach him a lesson–you get the soap, Stymie; Alfalfa and me will get the tar and feathers; and Darla, go get your pony”) when you need them?

  2. GeologyJim says:

    All rational western-civilization people know that it is wrong to lie.

    When we lie, we establish a moral friction that causes personal and social anxiety. Most of us have been trained to admit our moral shortcomings, either personally or publicly or as confession, in order to reduce that friction and go on with life.

    Certain people, for various reasons, are able to continue confidently FORWARD with no anxiety over lies, deceptions, and purposeful evasions.

    In some cultures, these people are known as jihadists – holy warriors – whose deceptions are applauded because they advance the holy agenda

    In the rational west, we know these scum as LIARS, CHEATS, FRAUDS, and PSYCHOPATHS . We have (or used to have) laws to hold them accountable for their violations of natural law.

    However, we need to reclaim control of our legal system from political influence (Eric Holder – hello?) in order to restore moral governance

  3. gator69 says:

    Which non-extreme Republicans voted for Obamacare?

  4. theyouk says:

    “One of the things I’ve learned as President…”..meaning you DIDN’T friggin’ know that before???? No. Of course you didn’t. You were a campaigner/organizer/aspiring Divider-in-Chief.

    Smart??? This guy is a moron. A very dangerous moron.

  5. gofer says:

    Blue Cross of NC say they will sell the original (cancelled) policies, BUT they will be 24% higher to cover all the costs of changing…………… It just keeps getting worse and worse. Imagine the costs involved if the law is repealed. The companies will have to be paid billions in compensation for changing all their programs. What a absolute disaster!

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