“I’m no Spiro Agnew, and I can walk and chew gum at the same time.”
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- Alastair on Fraudster Fighting Climate Misinformation
- arn on New Climate Metric
- arn on ‘malice toward the planet’
- Bob G on Fraudster Fighting Climate Misinformation
- dearieme on Fraudster Fighting Climate Misinformation
- Mike Peinsipp on Final Score For The Inflation Reduction Act
- Billyjack on Ice Free Glacier National Park
- David M Kitting on Warmest March On Record
- william on New Climate Metric
- arn on New Climate Metric
What Obama’s Obamacare postponement really means: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-11-14/what-morning’s-obamacare-announcement-means
What I’ve thought for a while is if this discretion stands as precedent, then any new President can just choose to tell the the IRS not to enforce the penalty, and tell the HHS not to enforce the insurance requirements, and on and on. Of course the tools would complain, but that’s been the way everything has been done in this Administration from the Dream act, to this, to selective prosecutions from DOJ. To selective prosecutions of leakers. To shake downs of the banks and other executives under threat of regulatory hell.
Having Joe one heartbeat away from the big Chair is a depressing thought. Might be OBamBam’s best way out.
Clinton would freak. It puts him in the driver’s seat come 2016 and she’s too old to wait another cycle.
Socialist concepts making progress in the US: http://nextbigfuture.com/2013/11/a-basic-income-of-about-10000-per-us.html
“I’m no Spiro Agnew, and I can walk and chew gum at the same time.” said the VP stumbling over again. More practice needed.
I’ll bet he can’t walk and load a double barreled shotgun at the same time.