Monthly Archives: November 2013

1922 Shock News : Higher CO2 Levels Needed To Feed The Human Race

Someone break the news to Mikey. Ninety years ago, scientists actually did science. WORLD’S GREATEST PROBLEM. Dr. Riedel con ceived the idea of speeding up the growth of plants by giving them extra supplies of carbon dioxide Tomatoes in the greenhouse supplied … Continue reading

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Nixon : “LBJ Never Likes Being #2”

Fifty years since Kennedy was assassinated in ……. Texas [youtube=]

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Sixty Years Of 0.0003 Mole Fraction CO2 Blocking Convection In The Atmosphere

Wednesday 6 May 1953 “The carbon dioxide in the air acts in the same manner   as the glass in a greenhouse,” Dr. Plass said. 06 May 1953 – INDUSTRIAL GAS EARTH’S “GREENHOUSE” Australian A…

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RT Explains Fracking

I’m watching Russia Today on television in Mexico. They say that fracking involves pumping radioactive liquids into the water supply, and releasing dangerous greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

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Kyoto Was Successful

Global temperatures have declined since 1997, while CO2 has increased exponentially -proving that the Kyoto protocol worked. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

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Disturbing Imagery Of The New Mexico Permanent Drought

A few weeks ago, the “facts only” LA Times announced that New Mexico would never recover from a drought they were having.

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New York Times Morality Depends On Who Is In Control Of The White House

When Clinton was president, NYT disliked the filibuster. When Bush was president, they liked the filibuster. March 29, 2005 A decade ago, this page expressed support for tactics that would have gone even further than the “nuclear option” in eliminating … Continue reading

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A Political Party Run By Criminals

SEN. HARRY REID (D-Nev.): “In fact, one of our core principles is that if you like the health care you have, you can keep it.” (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.8642, 8/3/09) SEN. RICHARD DURBIN: “We believe — and we stand … Continue reading

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Shock News : Government Sponsored Imbeciles Fail To Control The Weather

Today’s question: is this the worst COP ever? – – November 22, 2013

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Exceptional Drought Update

United States Drought Monitor > Data Archive > Tables

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