Monthly Archives: November 2013

Brooklyn Police Chief Says That We Need To Explain To Black Teenagers That It Is Not OK To Try To Kill People

Police: Examples Of Troubling ‘Knockout’ Game Popping Up All Over Recent Attacks Have Targeted Brooklyn Jews; 78-Year-Old Woman Latest Victim In the recent attacks in Brooklyn, a 20-year old Israeli man in a hooded jacket was attacked, and another man’s … Continue reading

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Smoking Gun That NCDC Data Adjustments Are Incorrect

The graph below plots the difference between adjusted NCDC US temperature anomalies and RSS US temperature anomalies. NCDC shows a strong US warming trend, and RSS shows no US warming trend. NCDC and RSS are diverging at an astonishing 2.4ºC per … Continue reading

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Obama Says That Republican Extremists Opposed His Plan To Cancel 50 Million Insurance Policies

I just got this E-mail from the White House. He says he is president for all Americans, except for anyone who disagrees with him. “One of the things I’ve learned as president is, you represent the entire country… When you’re … Continue reading

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US October Was Fifth Coolest In The Satellite Era

October in the US was fifth coolest since 1979, with temperatures trending down for the past 34 years. rss_monthly_msu_amsu_channel_tlt_anomalies_land_and_ocean_v03_3.txt

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1912 Philippines Typhoon Destroyed Tacloban And Killed 15,000

Tacloban was destroyed by typhoons in 1897 and 1912 From the Washington Herald, November 30, 1912. That 15,000 persons were probably killed and wounded ln a Typhoon that swept the Philippine Islands last Tuesday was reported yesterday ln cable dispatches to the Bureau of Insular … Continue reading

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Michelle Explains That Her And Her Husband’s Lies Are Sacred And Decent

“We don’t believe in handouts. We don’t think anyone should get a free ride,” she said Monday afternoon in a speech at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers. “But we also understand one simple principle — that there but for the … Continue reading

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40 Times As Many People Have Lost Insurance As Have Gained It

Sen. John Barrasso (SenJohnBarrasso) on Twitter h/t to Dave G

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Deadliest US Tornado Occurred During One Of The Coldest Years Ever

  Ellensburg Daily Record – Google News Archive Search 1925 was one of the coldest years ever on Earth according to NASA’s garbage temperature data. Fig.A2.gif (658×474)

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Global Sea Ice Area Higher Than 1979

The amount of sea ice on earth is 11th highest on record for the date, and higher than most of the years d the 1990’s. Climate experts say that sea ice disappearing is proof of global warming. You were warned! Feb. … Continue reading

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1974 : Worst Tornado Outbreak In US History Was Due To Excess Arctic Ice

The Canberra Times   Thursday 16 May 1974 NEW YORK, Wednesday (AAP). — Weather satellites sweeping across the northern hemisphere have come up with a surprise: the permanent snow and ice  cap has increased sharply, Associated Press reported. The finding is … Continue reading

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