Monthly Archives: November 2013

Royal Society : World To Become Living Hell By 2060

Royal Society special issue details ‘hellish vision’ of 7°F (4°C) world — which we may face in the 2060s! | ThinkProgress

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Scientists Call For End To Economic Growth

Professor Kevin Anderson, Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said the only way to reduce global emissions enough, while allowing the poor nations to continue to grow, is to halt economic growth in the rich world over … Continue reading

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UK To Have Alligators Within A Few Decades

Oct. 29, 2010 — The fear that global temperature can change very quickly and cause dramatic climate changes that may have a disastrous impact on many countries and populations is great around the world. The Earth has not had such … Continue reading

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ecoSanity : Arctic To Be Ice-Free By 2013

Arctic meltdown that could result in summers without sea ice as soon as 2013 instead of 2100 (!). So much for our confidence in the 2007 IPPC report suggestion that we have until 2015 to level off emissions. 2100 | … Continue reading

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Stern : 4C Warming This Century Will Make Planet Unihabitable

2100 | – See. Act. Inspire!

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Met Office 2009 : Chicago To Warm 18 Degrees Fahrenheit By 2060

4degrees international climate conference, 28-30 sept 2009, Oxford, UK Met Office warns of catastrophic global warming in our lifetimes

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Met Office : 4 Degrees Warming In The Next 46 Years – Will Kill Us All

Sunday 27 September 2009 Met Office warns of catastrophic global warming in our lifetimes Met Office data shows no warming this century. The graph below shows the mind-boggling incompetence of government climate experts.

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Typhoons Are Not Always Man’s Fault

Deadliest World Tropical Cyclones | Weather Underground Sometimes they are woman’s fault, like the 1584 typhoon which killed 200,000 people.

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What Are The Odds Of A “Thousand Year Rainfall?”

During the Colorado floods this summer, someone at NOAA started claiming that it was a thousand year flood. When that was shown to be utter nonsense, they changed the story to a thousand year rainfall, based on the odds of … Continue reading

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Weather Underground Sets A Target Of At Least One Massive Big Lie Per Week

Last week the big lie was the strongest cyclone on record. This week it is accelerating global warming. No Global Warming ‘Pause,’ Planet Warming Much Faster Than Previously Thought No Global Warming ‘Pause,’ Planet Warming Much Faster Than Previously Thought: … Continue reading

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