Monthly Archives: November 2013

Curious That So Many People In Obama’s Past Mistook The Words “Hawaii” And “Kenya”

1991 Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’ 2004 Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate 2007 2008   Nigerian Observer Online Edition

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Obama Announces That He Is Not A Crook

He said he had “fumbled” the ball. Three times. He acknowledged he was unaware of the depth of the problems with And, perhaps most tellingly, he repeated a line from his days on the campaign trail; ”I am not … Continue reading

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Obama Takes Credit For A Trend Which Started Under Bush

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Obama Takes Credit For Something He Tried To Block

The upturn since 2011 is 100% due to fracking on private and state land.

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Benevolent Dictator Announces One Year Delay In Obamacare

President Obama announced Thursday that his administration will let health insurers extend existing health plans on the individual and small-group markets into 2014. The administrative policy change will let insurers reach out to the millions of Americans being dropped from … Continue reading

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Can Low Solar Activity Overcome Massive Government Data Tampering?

Michael E. Mann (MichaelEMann) on Twitter

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Obama To End Illegal NSA Surveillance


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Understanding Obamacare

“They were running the biggest start-up in the world, and they didn’t have anyone who had run a start-up, or even run a business,” said David Cutler, a Harvard professor and health adviser to Obama’s 2008 campaign The Washington Post

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Deadliest Typhoon In History – Came After 30 Years Of Global Cooling

Science News, Vol. 107 Daytona Beach Sunday News-Journal – Google News Archive Search The Philippines were also hit by two catastrophic typhoons within one week that year. The Sun – Google News Archive Search Trenberth says that typhoons … Continue reading

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Crack Government Scientists : 18 Feet Of Sea Level Rise In The Next 18 Years

Lawrence Journal-World – Jan 14, 1982 Some scientists think that if the sea level rise should speed up and destroy a massive, unstable ice sheet in western Antarctica, the oceans could go up as much as 18 feet and inundate many coastal … Continue reading

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