Monthly Archives: November 2013

A Few Low CO2 Natural Disasters

The world’s stupidest people (who run the US government) want you to believe that life was happy and stable in the good old days of low CO2 That leaves one thing capable of contributing to global warming – a process … Continue reading

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Obama Unveils His Affordable Climate Act (ACA)

If you like your climate, you can keep your climate. No one is discussing taking your climate away from you.

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Hollywood Actors Pledge To End Slavery And Be Obama’s Servant


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Droughts Becoming Much Less Common In The US

During the 1930’s and 1950’s, droughts were very common in the US, but they are becoming increasingly rare as CO2 increases. Climate at a Glance | Time Series

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Shock News : The Philippines Have Always Had Typhoons

TYPHOON IN PHILLIPINES. LONDON, Sunday. The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (NSW : 1868 – 1931) Tuesday 7 January 1913 p 2 Article … TYPHOON IN PHILLIPINES. London, Sunday. During’ a recent typhoon in the Phillipines, a steamer, 7000 tons, sank at anchor. … 19 words TYPHOON … Continue reading

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US Major Hurricane Strikes Dropping Dramatically As CO2 Increases

US major hurricane strikes are down 40% since CO2 was 310 PPM HURDAT Re-analysis Chronological List of All Hurricanes People who claim that major hurricanes are increasing as CO2 rises, have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

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US Hurricane Strikes Dropping Dramatically As CO2 Increases

US hurricane strikes are down 20% as CO2 has increased 40%. HURDAT Re-analysis Chronological List of All Hurricanes People who claim that CO2 causes more hurricanes have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

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Koch Brothers Control The Weather With Their Minds

Twitter / JeffDSachs: Climate liars like Rupert Murdoch … He must be talking about the 1931 flood in China which killed two million people.

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Putting Typhoons In Perspective

Deadliest World Tropical Cyclones | Weather Underground

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Obama Just Can’t Stop Lying

I just got this E-Mail from the President. That’s all great? He forgot to mention that he tripled the deficit his first year in office, and that his smallest deficit is much larger than his predecessor’s largest. In 2008, he … Continue reading

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