Monthly Archives: November 2013

NASA Eliminates That Inconvenient Warm Period Prior To 1950

NASA motto : If the data doesn’t match your theory, simply change the data. Original version  Altered version

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Devastation From The 1897 Philippines Low CO2 Typhoon

Published: November 28, 1897 Copyright © The New York Times THOUSANDS OF LIVES LOST. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 27.—The typhoon which swept over the Philippine Islands on Oct. 6 was the cause of one of the worst disasters reported from … Continue reading

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Obamacare II – Coming To A Bookstore Near You

The Coming Revelation Of The ‘Global Warming’ Fraud Resembles The Obamacare Lie – Forbes

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Pelosi : You Have To Jump Off The Cliff, So That You Can Find Out What Is At The Bottom

There will be winners and losers – Jay Carney [youtube=]

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Australia Leads The Way Back To Sanity

Australia threw out their lunatic, and has returned to sanity. Can the US do the same? [youtube=] .

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Unprecedented Cyclone Kills Thousands, Triggers Looting And Executions

14 Sep 1900 – The Texas Hurricane. A GRIM DEATH ROLL. 8,000 LI… DAVAO CITY mayor Rodrigo Duterte ordered the team he sent to Yolanda-ravaged Leyte to shoot whoever will stop the convoy he sent before reaching the intended destinations. … Continue reading

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Even The New York Times Is Starting To Report Facts

195 MPH is down to the 140 range, and the 40 foot storm surge is down to 13 feet. The death count was also exaggerated. But in Tacloban, a city of 220,000 wrapped around a horseshoe-shaped bay, the water overflowed … Continue reading

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The Rise Of 21st Century Witch Burners

Fanatic journalist says that 97% of scientists believe that typhoons never used to happen in the Philippines, and refuses to let an expert speak on the subject. Hertsgaard believes that all scientists support his position, because he refuses to talk to … Continue reading

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PIOMAS Says That Arctic Ice Is Thinner Than Last Year

You can’t make this stuff up. PIOMAS volume divided by UIUC ice area shows that Arctic sea ice was thinner this year on September 30 than it was on the same date last year. This despite the large increase in … Continue reading

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Blalog Ramping Up The Extreme Ice Fraud

James Blalog used to have time lapse videos of glaciers in Greenland at this URL : They didn’t show any glacial loss, so he got rid of it. But he left up images like is, trying to scare people … Continue reading

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