Monthly Archives: November 2013

Jeff Masters Called Out For Lying About The Typhoon

Before the typhoon made landfall, some international forecasters were estimating wind speeds at 195 m.p.h., which would have meant the storm would hit with winds among the strongest recorded. But local forecasters later disputed those estimates. “Some of the reports … Continue reading

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Would Jeff Masters Have Survived 1934?

1934 was the hottest year in US history (before government data tampering) had the worst drought in US history, devastating floods in Europe, brought one of the most powerful typhoons on record to Japan, drought in England, drought in South … Continue reading

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1934 Cyclone Had 200 MPH Winds At Landfall

The dead in Osaka include 532 school children. The typhoon was one of the worst ever recorded, the velocity of the wind being from 65 to 70 metres a second (about 150 m.p.h.), and nearly 100 metres a second (200 m.p.h.) on the … Continue reading

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1970 Cyclone Killed One Million People

Forty-three years ago this week, a cyclone hit East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and killed one million people. The Canberra Times  Tuesday 24 November 1970 The latest confirmed death count is 168,000, but Dacca news media reported “unofficial but confirmed figures” putting the toll at more … Continue reading

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GISS Data Tampering – Worse Than You Thought

The graph below shows GISS US temperatures five year mean. At first glance, it looks like the US is really heating up. Now compare that to the actual GHCN thermometer data which the graph is based on. They look … Continue reading

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A Similar Typhoon From 1882

Launceston Examiner Friday 15 December 1882 THE TYPHOON AT THE PHILIPPINES. — Respecting the typhoon that passed over the Philippines on October 22, the following meagre particulars are supplied by the Hong Kong daily press :—” The 20th October, 1882, will be chronicled in the annals … Continue reading

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Super Typhoon Yolanda

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Evidence Of A Mass Shooting In My Neighborhood

My neighbors are cleaning nearly 200 pheasants and geese they shot in South Dakota last week. Their girlfriends are thrilled by all the tasty food they brought back. The way that humans were designed to be, before progressives tried to … Continue reading

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Understanding Immigration Reform

In the early 20th century, immigrants came to America to try to build a life for themselves. [youtube=] Now they come to America to get a free ride. When we lived in Mountain View, California fifteen years ago, my wife … Continue reading

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Obama To Restore America’s Legitimacy By Closing Guantanamo As Soon As He Takes Office

I have said repeatedly that I will close Guantanamo, and I will follow through on it [youtube=]

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