Monthly Archives: November 2013

Bernie Madoff Backs Off His Fraudulent Promises

Why does the press let Obama “back off” when he is caught conning and swindling people?

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Jeff Masters Claims A Record Without Any Actual Data

Satellite loops show that Haiyan weakened only slightly, if at all, in the two hours after JTWC’s advisory, so the super typhoon likely made landfall with winds near 195 mph. This makes Haiyan the strongest tropical cyclone on record to … Continue reading

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The New Hockey Stick

Briffa’s trees were not showing the warming which Mann wanted to produce, so Mann chucked them out after 1960 and replaced them with Hansen’s garbage temperature data. But now, the garbage temperature data isn’t producing any heating either, so Trenberth … Continue reading

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A Reminder Of The Historical Depravity Of The Obama Adminstration

In 1989, the White House told Hansen that he could not falsely represent his certainty or claim that his was the only point of view. Toledo Blade – May 9, 1989 WASHINGTON – The White House is defending its decision to change … Continue reading

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Growth In Multi-Year Ice Since Week 37, 2012

Green shows multi-year ice which is present now, but wasn’t present in week 37, 2012.

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Valerie Says That No One Should Be Fired For Who They Are

Unless they don’t believe in the biggest scientific hoax in history.

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Obama Is Better At Large Tasks

Obama is very good at big things like healing the planet and slowing the rise of the seas, but not as proficient at smaller tasks – like making web sites work and protecting ambassadors from spontaneous YouTube protesters, or ever … Continue reading

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1986 Hansen Shock Forecast : Five Degrees Warming By 2010

Sarasota Herald-Tribune – Jun 11, 1986 Dr. James E. Hansen of the Goddard Space Flight Center’s Institute for Space Studies said research by his institute showed that because of the “greenhouse effect” that results when gases prevent heat from escaping the earth’s … Continue reading

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Unarmed Man Says He Is Really Good At Killing People

President Obama does not carry a gun, yet he says he is really good at killing people. According to the new book “Double Down,” in which journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann chronicle the 2012 presidential election, President Barack Obama … Continue reading

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1989 Shock News : 12 Degrees Warming And 20 Feet Of Sea Level Rise By 2050

Doug MacAyeal, a geophysicist at the University of Chicago, has been developing a computer model to predict what might happen in the south polar region as a result of an increasing greenhouse effect, and expects to be able to make … Continue reading

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