Monthly Archives: November 2013

RSS Shows No Warming Anywhere In Antarctica Over The Last 34 Years

Click on the graph for a larger image.

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NASA Steps Up Climate Fraud To A New Level

NASA claims that September was the hottest on record NASA released global temperature data showing that this September tied with 2005 for the warmest September on record. That’s doubly impressive since 2005 was warmed by an El Niño and accompanying … Continue reading

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Obama Says The Only Scientist To Walk On The Moon, Is A Flat Earther

Harrison Schmitt is only scientist to have walked on the moon, and was the first scientist in space. He is also a prominent climate skeptic – and according to Barack Obama, a flat earther whom he doesn’t have time to … Continue reading

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NASA : Rewriting The Past In Antarctica

In 2005, NASA showed that Antarctica had been strongly cooling for 20 years SVS Animation 3188 – Antarctic Heating and Cooling Trends But that story wan’t going to scare anyone into giving up their money, so in 2007 they changed … Continue reading

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Another Big Global Warming Lie Bites The Dust

NASA used to claim that the Antarctic Peninsula was the fastest warming place on Earth. RSS data shows that the Antarctic Peninsula has been cooling for 20 years.

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Julia Fixed The Climate

No warming near Canberra for over 30 years.

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RSS October Eleventh Warmest Since 1979, Temperature Decline Continues

Without the 1980’s el Chichon and 1990’s Mt. Pinatubo cooling, there would be almost no warming in the satellite record. rss_monthly_msu_amsu_channel_tlt_anomalies_land_and_ocean_v03_3.txt

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Record Corn Crop Frightens New Yorker About Global Warming

ANNALS OF SCIENCE CLIMATE BY NUMBERS Can a tech firm help farmers survive global warming? It was nearly impossible to drive the back roads of southern Indiana this summer without being lulled into a trance by the monotonous perfection of … Continue reading

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Obama Triples The Deficit, Says He Cut It In Half

(2) Barack Obama (BarackObama) on Twitter

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Louisiana State Senator Looking For An IRS Audit


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