Pelosi : You Have To Jump Off The Cliff, So That You Can Find Out What Is At The Bottom

There will be winners and losers – Jay Carney


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Pelosi : You Have To Jump Off The Cliff, So That You Can Find Out What Is At The Bottom

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Bill Clinton: keep your promise, let people keep their plans:

  2. David says:

    If only the wicked witch of the west would. She would probably ride her damn broom out though. There must be LSD in that water supply to keep her in office.

  3. Jump off a cliff? I wish she would.

  4. Danny Jones says:

    The lemmings were pushed, in other words it was a myth and animals were sacrificed for a myth. We are the lemmings if we don’t watch it.

  5. Larry Fields says:

    Actually, the cliff-jumping-lemming meme came from a staged Disney ‘documentary’, White Wilderness. Lemmings do undergo dramatic predator-prey cycles, and attempt mass migrations when their population peaks. And sometimes they overestimate their swimming abilities when they come to rivers. But jumping off cliffs? Give me a break!

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