Phil’s Mulligan Slices Into The Rough

Phil Jones wanted to reset the start to 2004

Bottom line – the no upward trend has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried. We’re really counting this from about 2004/5 and not 1998.

There will be a new version of HadCRUT3 (which we will call      HadCRUT4!)

HadCRUT4 temperatures are down since 2004.

ScreenHunter_1938 Nov. 02 07.39

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Phil’s Mulligan Slices Into The Rough

  1. Pathway says:

    If they were real scientist they should only be interested in the evidence. Instead they are worried because in reality they are only political hacks.

  2. David A says:

    Tell Phil the ball is still in the bunker, only now it is a fried egg after he stepped on it.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Is Phil playing in the Greenland Open with -48 temps?

  4. Billy Liar says:

    Five more years before Phil’s bottom line is reached for HADCRUT 4. Is there a HADCRUT 5 in the pipeline to assuage Phil’s ‘worry’?

  5. Rosco says:

    9 down and counting.

  6. Olaf Koenders says:

    Can somebody please guard the goalposts so the can’t be continually moved?

  7. X says:

    It’s arguable to say that the last year of warming was 1998, even without the huge El Nino of 1997, because the trend of the previous years after the 1970’s was clear.
    The rate of warming decreased after that year and flatted in 2001, when the climate started to cool.
    The cooling trend was not very strong in the initial years, but increased after 2008.
    The only reason why the cooling is not even more pronounced now is because of the present solar max of SC24, but 2013 may become the year when SC24 started to decline and this is a good reason for the many records of ice extent everywhere this year.

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