Post # 20,000

This is my 20,000th blog post on

Most major news outlets still can’t find any scientific evidence against catastrophic global warming, yet I find it for free – usually in a matter of a few seconds.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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32 Responses to Post # 20,000

  1. Edmonton Al says:

    Well done. And we all enjoy reading them.

  2. David A says:

    Thanks Steve, and I like the titles of most of your 20,000 posts as well.

  3. Chilli says:

    Please keep up the good work. It may take a few more years yet but the tide is slowly turning against the catastrophiliacs, dramagreens and climate scaremongering profiteers.

  4. hazze says:

    Wow…man u know u are invaluable….lets fix the climatecrap at least..befor u hit 30.000 🙂 Doing what I can to make the site famous in Sweden …and u make it easy ..keep on

  5. Don says:

    Bravo Zulu. Found your site when I heard your name on …gasp… Rush’s radio show. Learned more about climate in ten days than I had over the last ten years. Looking forward to the next 20,000.

  6. Dan_Kurt says:

    Mostly you make my day. Great work.

    Dan Kurt

  7. Andy DC says:

    Been following you for a long time and completely enjoyed doing so! It was so great to find someone to methodically validate my own beliefs.

  8. gregole says:


    Excellent work! Love this site above all other Climate Sites because this site is meticulously fact and data based.

    Trolls show up here with their own opinions; but wither once they find out their so-called facts are nothing more than sophistry and light-duty brainwashing they then painfully discover they are entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts.

    They disappear or are banned for being bot-spammers. That’s really all they have when faced with facts and data.

    As far as the work being done,,, far from it. I dropped in for a quick coffee at a Starbucks local to my work and saw the front page of the NY Times – front page headline consisted of the LA Airport Shooting on the left side of the page and something about Global Warming to Cause 2% Decrease per Year of Food Production on the other side.

    Front page NY Times. Today.

    The BS is alive and well. So please Steven, continue having fun and keep up the good work.

  9. Scarface says:

    Keep fighting the good fight! Victory is near!

    Thank you for all your time and effort.

  10. NikFromNYC says:

    “The Muses weave a brightness for his head…. For lawless joys a bitter ending waits….” – Pindar, (Isthmian Odes, 500 BC)

  11. NeilM says:

    Thanks Steve, you help me stay sane.

  12. Atowermadeofcheese says:

    Calling someone a moron isn’t scientific evidence, and being able to type a 5 letter word in less than a couple of seconds isn’t an achievement.

  13. Miboupop says:

    You’re the man, congrats!

  14. Cheshirered says:

    Quality. Up there with the other climate-truth bloggers. They, and you, know who they are.

  15. thojak says:

    Keep the good work up. Steve! Plenty txs for Your being on/in the Internet!
    How loud will the ‘chrash’ sound, when it’s finally chrashed to the state it belongs??
    Take a look at what’s ‘going-on’:

    Cheers from Sweden/TJ

  16. TheJollyGreenMan says:

    Thank you very much Squire!

    I enjoy your posts and find that i agree with about 96.5%. so the heat is still on!

  17. aeroguy48 says:

    20,000 aint nuting when the Feds have I think 6 enrollments into bamcare the first day!

  18. Baa Humbug says:

    This is the only sceptical blog which doesn’t hold back, that’s why I frequent it.

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      Seconded. Same as JoNova, Watts, Greenie Watch, SPPI, McIntyre and AppinSys – including many others. Keep up the good work Steve. Been reading you for years and saw every greenie argument left bleeding in the gutter after you passed by with a simple, blunt instrument called science.

      Thank you.

    • NikFromNYC says:

      “Draw a distinction. Call it the first distinction. Call the space in which it is drawn the space severed or cloven by the distinction.” – G. Spencer-Brown (The Laws Of Form, 1969)

  19. Lance says:

    Well done Steve

  20. Kepler says:

    Great job Steve. This site is an oasis of truth and reason.

  21. Andy Oz says:

    Great job Steven. Climate trolls and false prophets have no chance.
    Keep having fun!

  22. X says:

    Congrats Steve! The difference between you and the MSM is, in one word, honesty!

  23. phodges says:

    Congratulations! Well done and thanks for all the simple and clear presentations of data, with links.

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