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Progressive Advocates Mayhem And Murder In Support Of Obama
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Tim clearly has “issues”.
What a clown. The government programs are the only programs having financial problems. So creating a new entitlement program was the stupidest idea they could have come up with of the goal was to deal with the “financial challenge”.
Even dumber is wishing death upon people who were start enough to know this on the first place.
Smart enough.
He wants to kill the people who will pay for it.
So let me get this right… even an abject failure is really a success because it’s better than just doing nothing.
Something must be done!
Well this is something.
Therefore this must be done.
Is there a name for that sort of stupidity? Some sort of shorthand that people can refer to would save typing.
Is there a name for that sort of stupidity? Some sort of shorthand that people can refer to would save typing.
How about Liberal?
There’s people that enjoy inflation?
I heard a local loco lefty yesterday say that Obamacare was written by the Heritage Foundation. Obama has further emboldened habitual liars.
Someone should tell him about the “unstoppable” force and the immovable object it invariably invokes. And how dreams like his are doomed to end as nightmares.
Sociopaths due what sociopaths due and that is why every freedom loving citizen should be armed to the teeth.
Wow. So much Bolshevikian Bullshit in such a small space. Someone should inform the little Neo-Marxist that irony isn’t the main ingredient in steel and that projection isn’t just something they do in that little room at the back of the movie theater.
Odds are the author grew up in an upper-middle class neighborhood, attended private schools with a token number of minority students (mostly Asian) and has never held down a job involving the actual use of any muscles other than those that it takes to reach a keyboard. Someone should take a Louisville Slugger and carve the definition of “Sedition”, roll it in permanent ink and emboss that across his forehead so that he can read it every time he looks into a mirror.
“Issues?” “Lefties?” “Sociopaths?” “loco?” “stupidity?” “clown?”
We must understand our opponents.
They are not lefties, sociopaths, stupid, crazy, clowns, or issue-ridden. They are perfect products of the Politically Correct Progressive influence machine that destroyed Normal America and American Exceptionalism.
The media, Hollywood, and academia/education, for the last 80 years have focused on creating this foundational belief–“America is a racist, sexist, xenophobic, imperialistic, capitalist hell-hole. And it must be change.”
Anyone subjected to the constant bombardment of that message (in school, radio, TV, movies, university, news, newspapers, peers) is liable to be sucked in to the mindset.
Our opponents believe that we (normal, conservative Americans) are the lowest of the low, responsible for the worst possible crimes against humanity..
Tim Weaver’s comment is a nearly perfect response from the heart of the PC-Progressive belief system. The goal of the belief system was to destroy Normal America. They were successful.
The Progressives started out over a century ago. One of their first great victories was Prohibition, which took three generations of brainwashing to accomplish. It was the first campaign of theirs that proved that infiltration of the schools was key to making their agendas reality. Why do you think so few people know much about Prohibition. 😆
I highly recommend the Ken Burns documentary series on Prohibition as a starting point for learning about that much ignored era. Our current war on drugs is equally ill conceived, and equally if not more destructive to law and order.
People are such idiots. Left and Right.
ACA was written and pushed through by the industry that benefits from it…a more classic expression of the Corporate State cannot be found.
The patricians are quaffing champagne in celebration while you plebians fight amongst yourselves over distractions-
I’m in the middle and no idiot. The left is responsible for this mess, it is their road to single payer healthcare.