Saving Filipinos From Drowning By Emitting B.O.

Anderson conceded that he has cut back on his personal hygiene after Morano read aloud to him his 2012 quotes.

“That is why I smell, yes,” Anderson told Climate Depot.

Morano then asked Anderson: “And you really believe that [not bathing] is going to help people avoid typhoons?

“I think you misunderstand the point, I do not believe it would help as an individual,” Anderson responded.

Global warming professor Kevin Anderson ‘cuts back on washing and showering’ to fight climate change – Admits at UN climate summit: ‘That is why I smell’ | Climate Depot

But at least he has the good sense to stay off airplanes in his filthy condition.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Saving Filipinos From Drowning By Emitting B.O.

  1. Hew Manatee says:

    I’ve cut back on washing and showering – but only to levels that were the norm just a few years back. (from the interview).
    Remember – Anderson is English.
    What this means is that he has cut back from once every week or so to once a month.

  2. David A says:

    He could save folk from drowning in debt by evicting B.O.

  3. Billy N.Z. says:

    I see a new species of hammerhead sharks have been found. Sharks are smelly by nature. I suggest this new species be named the Anderson shark.

  4. Billy N.Z. says:

    There is also a new crustacean been found. Any suggestions? Mann mollusc?

  5. Baa Humbug says:

    Anderson is just using AGW as an excuse not to bath.
    Pooffo pinko commo greens have never liked bathing.

  6. Edmonton Al says:

    It is my understanding that NOSES smell things. Anderson STINKS.

  7. Anderson conceded that he has cut back on his personal hygiene after Morano read aloud to him his 2012 quotes.

    “Okay, I didn’t actually cut back, but I’ve started using gobble worming as my excuse for not bathing for the last decade.”

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