Second Largest Gain In Sea Ice On Record – Averaging 462 Manhattans Above Normal In 2013

ScreenHunter_79 Nov. 16 09.54 ScreenHunter_78 Nov. 16 09.49

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Second Largest Gain In Sea Ice On Record – Averaging 462 Manhattans Above Normal In 2013

  1. Reblogged this on Ace News Services and commented:
    #AceNewsServices says this was really bad last year and now we ignore it and it gets worst ,time for countries to wake up to this catastrophe waiting to happen #GlobalWarming

  2. tom0mason says:

    Hey, Mr Hansen! Where’s my nuclear bombs worth of heating. I bought the fuel and burned it merrily for decade, so where’s my warmth? I didn’t drive that Pontiac for decades just to freeze my tush off now.

  3. Richard says:

    Remember all the heat is at the bottom of the ocean so expect see more ice,

  4. gator69 says:

    We really cannot only afford even one Manhattan. Stop the madness.

  5. X says:

    During the winter we should go even more above average.
    Our problem is in the summer only, but looks like the “problem” is decreasing.

  6. Bumba says:

    It’s simply a more erratic year. The summer ice was a record low.

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