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The temperatures are rising but the reason they aren’t rising is we have removed all the CFC’s from the air. But, they really are rising.
Dr Marvel says her models prove that humans are altering rainfall patterns.
“Wet areas getting wetter” and dry areas drier. Especially over the sea!
Perhaps there is a super hero out there who can solve this doomsday scenario. How about Carbon Credit Man, or maybe just Dustin Hoffman?
“Dr Marvel said changes to global precipitation were almost certainly caused by man-made warming because it was “very rare” to see both these phenomena occurring simultaneously.
“The synchronicity of these changes is key,” she said. “Considering either change in isolation does not lead to detection or attribution.”
Synchronicity is the key. Got it. Drought-flood is proof.
And Ex PM John Howard is agnostic towards CAGW. Progress will only come when a majority is atheist towards CAGW. Still, at least the Telegraph printed it.