Shock News : Government Sponsored Imbeciles Fail To Control The Weather


Today’s question: is this the worst COP ever? – – November 22, 2013

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Shock News : Government Sponsored Imbeciles Fail To Control The Weather

  1. darrylb says:

    I thought it has become one of the best!!

  2. Bob Greene says:

    Does that mean we need new imbeciles and/or human sacrifice? Or will sacrificing goats be ok? Surely if the old imbeciles are the goats for this failure…

  3. omnologos says:

    These people are good at collecting failures, they’ll continue for a long time

    • Stewart Pid says:

      As long as they can collect great pay checks and travel allowances chasing their green socialist dreams this nonsense will continue but one would hope those paying for this silliness is about to call BS on it and force the leftards to get real jobs!

  4. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    What’s a COP?

  5. redjefff says:

    Ohhhhh no no no. ‘Horseface’ Lizzy May was born in the US of A… as a student she leeched off of Canada’s welfare system at her parents business in New Brunswick Canada (restaurant?), where she worked, receiving unemployment checks in the tourist off-season when she was ineligible to do so. (Paywalled- reduce screen size to read 3 lines at a time ;( I’m Scottish cheap!!!!!!!)

    As ol’ Horseface is now a part of the Afgani delegation to the COP-? gabfest we in Canada are also trying to raise money to get her an exquisite periwinkle burlap bag that she can throw over her head. (So far, for a $8.99 item we have recieved $1.7 million in private and corporate donations.) Hmmmmmmm.

  6. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    You gave us Lizzie.
    We gave you Hayhoe.

    We are even in lunatic eco hysteric climate fear mongering trading.

  7. Hugh K says:

    “Well, that’s not quite a fair question.”
    OK, A follow-up; When you call scientists that disagree with your global warming theories “deniers”, do you think that is also not quite fair?

  8. Perry says:

    Paper bag, quick.

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