Shock News : Green Taxes Hurt People

Household energy bills are expected to fall by £50 a year as a result of cuts in green levies to be announced in George Osborne’s Autumn Statement next week.

Final negotiations between the Big Six energy firms and ministers are taking place this weekend and suppliers could announce a reduction in prices as soon as Sunday. Some are also expected to pledge that they will freeze prices until spring 2015, unless wholesale energy costs rise.

David Cameron promised on Friday that by “eroding” the levies on gas and electricity bills, the Government will deliver “sustainably low energy prices” and help households struggling with the rising cost of living. The Daily Telegraph has been given details of the reforms under negotiation ahead of the Chancellor’s appearance in the Commons on Thursday.

Energy bills expected to fall £50 a year following cuts to green levies – Telegraph

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Shock News : Green Taxes Hurt People

  1. Bloke down the pub says:

    Rather than “eroding” the levies on gas and electricity bills. the government is suggesting moving the payment to direct taxation. While this may be less regressive, it won’t get to the root of the problem.

  2. Adam Gallon says:

    Yep, they’ll be hidden in general taxation somewhere.

  3. Hugh K says:

    So I guess you ‘can’ put a price on saving the planet.

  4. Stephen Richards says:

    It won’t fall by £50 almost certainly. £50 is the max it can fall but it seems most likely that he will reduce their bills by £20.

    What they will not do is stop this crazy green nightmare. So, not only will the poor brits not get anymore house insulation relief but they will lose their power for heating in 2015. Just about the time of the next election.

    VOTE UKIP you brits. Come on show the EU commies you mean what you say.

  5. Stephen Richards says:

    That’s £20/an. 38 new pence per week. A can of baked beans. That should REALLY help with their energy bills.

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