Shock News : Many Scientists Are Complete Morons

Relationship between sea level and climate forcing by CO2 on geological timescales

our results imply that to avoid significantly elevated sea level in the long term, atmospheric CO2 should be reduced to levels similar to those of preindustrial times.

Sea level rose 120 metres during “preindustrial times”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Shock News : Many Scientists Are Complete Morons

  1. Sea levels rose 120 meters, but how much more would they have risen if humans were around burning oil. It would be 120 meters and 9 inches. If you don’t think 9 inches matters, tell that to the poor little hungry child whose Tonka Truck is now under 9 inches of anthropogenic water rise.

  2. darrylb says:

    Al Gore had the answer for this riddle in his ‘Inconvenient Truth’ However, he distorted the representation of it to give a dishonest appearance. In it he shows his graph of temperature and CO2 levels which appear to rise and fall in tandem. It was done over a long timescale.

    A magnified version of any portion of the graph shows that the temperature change leads the CO2 change by anywhere between 300 and about 700 years. In other words he reversed the cause and effect.

    In general warmer temperatures cause gases to become less soluble.
    That is why “pop” or soda if you live in the uncivilized world outside of Minnesota (sarc) loses its fizz (CO2) when it gets warm.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Stone Age man has a lot to answer for. Where was the carbon tax when Fred Flinstone’s SUV was pumping out CO2? The million clam beach houses made of stone are now underwater!

  4. oldfossil says:

    As the patron saint of this website, Richard Feynman, once said: An expert outside his area of expertise is just as dumb as the next guy.

    Contrary to what it may seem, the climate scientists who come up with the armageddon stuff are not stupid. As oldfossil said: You don’t have to be highly intelligent to be a jerk, but it certainly helps.

  5. Organic Fool says:

    Legitimate environmental concerns being shortchanged by focus on bogus global warming scare

    ICSC Science Advisory Board member, Dr. Tim Ball, former University of Winnipeg climatology professor, explained, “All sensible people are environmentalists. We all want clean air, land and water and to protect species at risk to the degree possible considering the many other important demands on society.”

    “But controlling global climate through restricting emissions is unscientific nonsense,” Ball continued. “The greenhouse gas most under attack by climate campaigners, CO2, is a benefit to the environment, its rise resulting in more crop yield and a densification of forests.”

    ICSC Chief Science Advisor Dr. Bob Carter, of James Cook University in Australia pointed out that, “The global temperature statistic has not risen since 1997 despite an increase in emissions of 8%. This nullifies the main argument presented by climate campaigners.”

    “Climate changes all the time, and it is important that civil hazard organisations are prepared for its extremes,” said Carter. “But as demonstrated by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, of which I am a contributing author, there are thousands of scientists and peer-reviewed science papers that refute the hypothesis that human emissions of CO2 are causing dangerous warming.”

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