Shock News : National Geographic Discovers That Scientists Can Be Wrong


Meteorologists say surprisingly mild year was due to dry desert air.

Why Scientists Were Wrong About This Year’s Hurricane Season

Apparently the Atlantic Ocean has turned into a desert, and all that excess humidity caused by global warming was just a bunch of nonsense.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Shock News : National Geographic Discovers That Scientists Can Be Wrong

  1. tom0mason says:

    So these ‘scientists’ obviously understand all the precursors, and requirement to start a hurricane, they know all the variables that maintain such a storm, they’ll say that they can model it. But it’s all BS. They know squat about how hurricanes keep going, and even less about how they start.

      • tom0mason says:

        Excellent link.

      • tom0mason says:

        As good as it is the conclusion says it all –

        52. Conclusion

        This has been, and will continue to be, a massively speculative work. The key data to make or break the central tenets have not been collected, because the hypothesis that suggests their significance has not existed until now. Regardless, the situation dictates that anyone proceeding into this territory must leave terra firma behind. Nevertheless, it was demonstrated that the EMHD model is physically possible, and that nothing in a 200 page description of well-known, distinctive characteristics within the problem domain fell outside of its scope. In these respects, this construct is clearly superior to existing models. It remains to be seen whether future research will fill in the blanks, or begin to reveal discrepancies. But since the existing frameworks have already hit their limits well short of completion, the EMHD model represents our best opportunity for progress.

        Of course none of this is in the IPCC models.

  2. Lance says:

    Yes, there were a few “fish” storms…a couple that were even named that in years gone by…wouldn’t have been known about…THANKFULLY, the media had to bite their tongue, no SUPER storms hit the USA coast lines….(which is the real benefit to life and property)

  3. Jeff says:

    “Dry desert air”. Before cagw desert air was not dry. We will see reports soon concerning wet water.

  4. Billy Liar says:

    Here is a link to the UKMO North Atlantic tropical storm seasonal forecast 2013:

    Read it now for a good laugh. They forecast ACE for the season at 130; currently it is just less than 30. They were seriously wrong with their forecast: yet another indicator of the pathetic state of any form of climate prediction.

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