Shock News : Satellite Showed Little Sea Level Rise Before They Tampered With The Data

On August 4, 2011 – The European Space Agency’s Envisat satellite showed less than one mm/year sea level rise, comparable to tide gauges.

ScreenHunter_205 Nov. 11 10.18

MSL_Serie_EN_Global_IB_RWT_GIA_Adjust.png (1024×680)

A few months later the same data set showed almost triple that rate.

ScreenHunter_206 Nov. 11 10.21

MSL_Serie_EN_Global_IB_RWT_GIA_Adjust.png (1024×680)

A few weeks later they killed the uncooperative satellite.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Shock News : Satellite Showed Little Sea Level Rise Before They Tampered With The Data

  1. daveburton says:

    They had to make an example of it, lest Jason 3 get impermissible ideas.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    What happened to the uncooperative satellite?

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    With your data mining help, I did some work *this* year, namely transferring all of Phys.orh traffic over to WUWT:

    Alinsky should be proud! I isolated it, polarized it….

    Exhibit A:

    Exhibit B:

    One time, I killed Greenfyre’s blog, permanently, with an old school Tim Leary quote or two. Are you in the war or are you just an attention whore?

  4. TNA says:

    The current pre-industrial revolution trend is 19cm per century.

    Warmists *need* sea rises to be significantly faster than that.

    I note that nautical charts have yet to be updated with all these new depths we must be experiencing.

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