Shock News : They Allowed A Conservative Professor To Visit The University Of Colorado

ScreenHunter_220 Nov. 11 15.38

I am surprised that CU’s diversity and tolerance policy tolerates people with diverse points of view.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Shock News : They Allowed A Conservative Professor To Visit The University Of Colorado

  1. Maybe they only let him visit for 10 minutes a month…

  2. Anto says:

    They still have conservative professors? I thought they’d weeded out that half of the population from academia.

  3. Colorado Wellington says:

    A conservative student group at CU Boulder submitted in April 2013 an application to list professor Steven Hayward on the Rare and Sensitive Species page of the City of Boulder website. The September response from the city council acknowledged that the conservative professor indeed belongs to rare species but denied him listing on account of insufficient sensitivity. In October the students filed additional affidavits about the professor’s sensitivity with a motion to reclassify and the case has been in administrative arbitration for the last 4 weeks. As of today professor Hayward remains unlisted.

  4. GeologyJim says:

    The visiting professorship in conservative thought and policy at CU is a three-year experiment that was entirely funded by outside donations.

    So, the uber-liberals of Boulder can bitch and whine all they want (and they did, fer sure) but it won’t do them any good. They were extremely annoyed at being forced to admit that actual conservatives exist – but then reverted to the comfort zone of ad hom attacks.

    “Tolerance”? – NO

    Ignorance – YES

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