Taking Climate Fraud To A New Level

Pacific Ocean warming 15 times faster than before

Some parts of the Pacific Ocean have warmed 15 times faster in the last 60 years than they did during the previous 10,000 years.

Although the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere may have hit the “pause” button recently — with little global warming measured over the past few years — that hasn’t been the case with the oceans.

In a study out today in the journal Science, researchers say that the middle depths of a part of the Pacific Ocean have warmed 15 times faster in the past 60 years than they did during the previous 10,000 years.

Pacific Ocean warming 15 times faster than before

The photograph below was taken by an unknown Clovis Man photographer, showing scientists headed off to take mid ocean temperature readings.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to Taking Climate Fraud To A New Level

  1. Don says:

    …”pause” button… ??? What if it is a “reverse” button?

  2. David A says:

    The paper linked here… http://motls.blogspot.com/2013/11/sciencemag-medieval-warm-period-global.html …contends that not only was the medieval warm period .65 C warmer then present, but the pacific was far warmer. (PS, the Vikings had better boats then Clovis man.)

  3. When you see the words ‘unprecedented’, ‘proxy for temperature’ and/or ‘validated against a climate model’ a useful rule of thumb is to file the paper in the basket labelled ‘the usual bullshit.’ 😉

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Rin Tin Tin and Lassie would have a better chance of finding the imaginary missing heat in the oceans than these putzes.
    ” Yea verily, and thus the global air temperature ceased to rise again for 17 years and the faithful announced thy glorious models showeth the sea water temperature had yet increased, and yet from whence no-one knew. Yea, it was a miracle.”
    Mann 3:24 – The Book of the Church of Climatology

  5. Ivan says:

    This guy had it all figured out 18 years ago:
    “The ‘warmers’ are possibly putting the cart before the horse. The sea warms up, then the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere goes up; there’s a lag of about five months.”
    Barrett points out with some glee that much of conventional opinion 15 years ago, using similar data, was predicting the earth was heading for a new ice age.
    “Normally scientific argument is rigorous and open, but these fellas at the IPCC publish their own conclusions. It’s a hell of a gravy train this, I tell you, which is why they don’t like seeing any doubts expressed.”
    ~1 Aug 1995

  6. Billy Liar says:

    Paleoclimatology is becoming a bit like history. If there is no evidence and you think no-one will bother to attempt to disprove what you say you can just go ahead and make it up.

    • tom0mason says:

      Just like archeology – don’t know what something is for then it must be a ‘ritual’ object, place, whatever….

      • Mike Mellor says:

        So the “missing heat” has gone deep has it? David MacKay FRS, chief scientific adviser to the DECC, is officially a Greenie, but one with the ability of rational thought. In his famous “Sustainable Energy – without the hot air” he writes (p 242): (my bold)

        What is the long-term destination of the extra CO2? Well, since the
        amount in fossil fuels is so much smaller than the total in the oceans, “in
        the long term” the extra carbon will make its way into the ocean, and the
        amounts of carbon in the atmosphere, vegetation, and soil will return to
        normal. However, “the long term” means thousands of years. Equilibration
        between atmosphere and the surface waters is rapid, as I said, but
        figures 31.2 and 31.3 show a dashed line separating the surface waters of
        the ocean from the rest of the ocean. On a time-scale of 50 years, this
        boundary is virtually a solid wall. Radioactive carbon dispersed across the
        globe by the atomic bomb tests of the 1960s and 70s has penetrated the
        oceans to a depth of only about 400m. In contrast the average depth of the
        oceans is about 4000m.

        The oceans circulate slowly: a chunk of deep-ocean water takes about
        1000 years to roll up to the surface and down again. The circulation of
        the deep waters is driven by a combination of temperature gradients and
        salinity gradients, so it’s called the thermohaline circulation (in contrast to
        the circulations of the surface waters, which are wind-driven).

      • Olaf Koenders says:

        “Just like archeology – don’t know what something is for then it must be a ‘ritual’ object, place, whatever….”

        Just like the Abo’s in Oz. Nothing can be proven to be a “sacred site”, but it’s declared to be whenever they want.

  7. Mike Mellor says:

    Steve when are you going to add a Tips page? Check out Scientific American on Global Whining, date given as 1855 by the person who supplied the link.

  8. gator69 says:

    “In a study out today in the journal Science, researchers say that the middle depths of a part of the Pacific Ocean have warmed 15 times faster in the past 60 years than they did during the previous 10,000 years.”


  9. tom0mason says:

    could you please pull my comments out of moderation.

  10. Don B says:

    CA discusses the “15 year” claim, and can find no justification.


  11. Don B says:

    Correction: not 15 year, 15 times faster warming: no justification.

  12. RMB says:

    Try “heating” water through the surface. It can’t be done. The “heat” is blocked by something and that has to be surface tension. Only radiation penetrates the surface of the ocean.

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