The New Hockey Stick

Briffa’s trees were not showing the warming which Mann wanted to produce, so Mann chucked them out after 1960 and replaced them with Hansen’s garbage temperature data.

But now, the garbage temperature data isn’t producing any heating either, so Trenberth has chucked the thermometers and replaced them with imaginary missing deep ocean heat in computer models.

Difficult to imagine any group of people being more ridiculous than the hockey team. They make Monty Python’s witch burners look like world class scientists.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The New Hockey Stick

  1. As a certain famous sceptic has observed, they are not so much a scientific group as a parody of a scientific group.

  2. Stephen you should write a book. S Fred Singer made the NY Times bestsellers list and he didn’t have the sting of witty sarcasm and sly comedy to boost sales. You have the knowledge and writing skills to crush the hoax and sell a million books at the same time. And your charts would push it to number one with a bullet.

    Do it.

  3. Tony says:

    I do love your sense of humor

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