The team now lies about every weather event, calls it the worst ever, and the press exaggerates it even further.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- arn on Flooding Of January 1862
- Mike on Flooding Of January 1862
- Bill on UK Green Energy Record
- oeman50 on Flooding Of January 1862
- arn on UN Is Upset
- Francis Barnett on UN Is Upset
- Gordon Vigurs on UN Is Upset
- Bob G on “Fascist Salute”
- Disillusioned on First Tracks In The Snow
- Disillusioned on Heat Trapping Difficulties
It looks like some news agencies are trying to balance the hysterical predictions of permanent catastrophe. Greenland glaciers moved 6% slower in 2012 than in 2009 and appear to be slowing despite any surface melt. Not what alarmists want to hear. More inconvenient facts.
Dr Roy Spencer’s new climate paper has made the news in India.
Ok, I was thinking about the Tea Party and stuff not in oz, and I looked at the link for your comment and I was seeing “el rino responsible for global warming.” You know, like Chris Christie. Lol. But, speaking of rinos, my hotair comment just now:
You know, we created the Tea Party, and it was a great idea at first.
I hate establishment rinos like Christie and Bush (jeb) as much as the next guy, but we created this Tea Party to be a good influence, but it seems to be getting out of control, gaining a life of its own, and threatening to become an actual third party that will splinter us and lead to Dem victories when we are poised to mop up. Consider starting to question the Tea Party just as vociferously as we question the establishment.
I think the shutdown was good actually. But maybe we should quit why we are ahead sometimes. Don’t push our luck. We are ready to win. Rocking the boat has its time and place, but sometimes rocking the boat will just sink it.
Walk it back.
I was over at Bloomberg and the nutters are going on about the tornados in Illinois like it is the end of the world and I was thinking the same thing. The alarmists are very annoying to duel with but to some extent this is positive as they are abandoning all science and only have scary stories, scarier than the last scary stories left to tell and most folk know about crying wolf and chicken little and so I don’t think this phase will get much traction but it will be annoyingly stupid.
One last example of the climate lies being busted by the teams own PR.
Antarctic glacier shrink with lower sea ice extent and extend with higher sea ice according to the Durham University study earlier this year. So….. with record sea ice extent we expect the glaciers to lengthen and calve more big bergs. Crisis averted, Australian carbon tax saved the world, Juliar a hero. Durham must be ecstatic.
“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy. And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”
See, Nik, you’re not a Democrat!
You’re an independent, I think.
A libertarian leaning Independent.
This strategy is worse than we thought!
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