There Was A Time When 52% Of Americans And Brits Didn’t Vote For Communists


25 Nov 1948 – Bertrand Russell would accept war to end Communi…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to There Was A Time When 52% Of Americans And Brits Didn’t Vote For Communists

  1. Anything is possible says:

    Very little option nowadays….

    Here in the UK, we get to choose between the communist wearing the red rosette, the communist wearing the yellow rosette and the communist wearing the blue rosette.

  2. TDK says:

    Ah but then Bertrand Russell wrote (c1920):
    “I believe that Communism is necessary to the world, and I believe … Bolshevism deserves the gratitude and admiration of all the progressive part of mankind. But the method by which Moscow aims at establishing Communism is a pioneer method, rough and dangerous, too heroic to count the cost of the opposition it arouses. I do not believe that by this method a stable or desirable form of Communism can be established.”

    So he was in favour of communism but not Bolshevism.

    However, I would say the problem is not so much we listened to Bertrand Russell then as that we do listen to Russell Brand now.

    • gator69 says:

      We are witnessing the late twenties again.

      • I would say more like 1936-38; Hitler, the cult leader of that time, came to power in 1933. But history doesn’t repeat precisely, in every detail. In different ways, we are strung out over a much longer period, over our entire history as a nation and more–“those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it”, and every immigrant from a different culture clings to ways that are forgetful, or willfully ignorant, of why the old country–the old culture–failed them, and why the old ways will fail in the new, or drag the new country down. From the deep divisions being expressed in the country now–and the deluded, utopian mindset of many (like Obama and the Insane Left), who refuse to see things as they are–it is more like the years leading up to the Civil War (although this time around, there have been no new religions created, as the Mormons or the Bahai’s of the 19th century–maybe that is what is wrong with the Insane Left, they need to found a new religion, that they can practice among themselves, rather than trying to impose their beliefs upon others).

    • kuhnkat says:


      the newspaper article was from 1948, about 20 years AFTER your quote.

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