Think Of Obamacare As 0.0001% Full, Rather Than 99.9999% Empty

The website launched on a Tuesday. Publicly, the government said there were 4.7 million unique visits in the first 24 hours. But at a meeting Wednesday morning, the war room notes say “six enrollments have occurred so far.”

Obamacare enrollments got off to very slow start, documents show – CBS News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Think Of Obamacare As 0.0001% Full, Rather Than 99.9999% Empty

  1. gator69 says:

    4700 people hitting refresh 1000 times. Unique!

  2. gator69 says:

    Speaking of Dear Leader, looks like he got all the mileage he desired from Lincoln, and will now abandon him just like the folks in Benghazi.

    “Sally Jewell.

    John Usher.

    Ring any bells?

    Didn’t think so.

    They’re both nobodies – well, actually, they’re both Secretaries of the Interior.

    The difference is when Usher travelled to Gettysburg, he went with his President.

    When Jewell goes this November, she’ll be the headliner – her President is taking a pass.

    Obama will be a no-show at the 150th anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

    For a president who has so demonstrably associated himself with Lincoln – the heir of Lincoln’s policies who announced his candidacy from the steps of the Old State Capitol in Springfield and used the Lincoln Bible (twice) at his inauguration – this is nothing less than a profile in cowardice.

    In the end, Barack Obama simply didn’t have the stones.

    It’s sad.

    And telling.

    History will note that Lincoln’s legacy did not live up to the challenge.”

    • The Iconoclast says:

      Ah he should just get up there and wing it. Complain about the Republicans, trash the Tea Party, talk about his personal resonance with Trayvon, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness… guided and channeled by the government. I mean that’s just what Lincoln did, right? RIGHT?

      • gator69 says:

        Not one “I” in the Gettysburg Address.

        “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

        Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

        But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
        – Abraham Lincoln

      • Jason Calley says:

        I wish someone would explain to me why Bush caused the battle at Gettysburg.

    • I have been saying ever since the “Rev. Wright” episode in the spring of 2008 that Obama has no character whatsoever. I have not been surprised by anything he has done since, it is all of that pattern–no character whatsoever.

  3. daveburton says:

    My health insurance company has notified me that my policy has been “terminated due to product being non-ACA compliant,” effective 12/31/2013. Here’s the letter:

    Hey, Democrats, you didn’t actually believe Obama when he promised we could keep our existing insurance plans, did you? Flashback:

    Hey, Democrats, you do realize that this is no aberration, right? Your hero lies about absolutely everything,

    A couple of days ago, I tried the web site. showed:
    The system is down at the moment.
    We are experiencing technical difficulties and hope to have them resolved soon. Please try again later.
    In a hurry? You might be able to apply faster at our Marketplace call center. Call 1-800-318-2596 to talk with one of our trained representatives about applying over the phone.

    Last night I tried again, and got a little further. I successfully created & verified an ID. But then I clicked Continue (many times). Absolutely nothing happened. But there was a button labeled “Live chat,” so I clicked it. Here’s the chat transcript:

    [8:03:35 pm]: Thanks for contacting Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat. Please wait while we connect you to someone who can help.
    [8:03:37 pm]: Please be patient while we’re helping other people.
    [8:04:06 pm]: Welcome! You’re now connected to Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat.

    Thanks for contacting us. My name is Chris. To protect your privacy, please don’t provide any personal information, like Social Security Number, or any other sensitive medical or personal information.
    [8:04:28 pm]: Chris
    How can I assist you today?
    [8:04:57 pm]: David
    Tried again to get on the web site. Got further this time. Created an “ID.” Got as far as “Your identity has been verified / You can now fill out and submit your application for health coverage through the Marketplace. [Continue]” But there it’s stuck. The [Continue] button does absolutely nothing.
    [8:05:26 pm]: Chris
    I apologize for the inconvenience.
    [8:05:34 pm]: Chris
    Thank you. One moment please while I look that up.
    [8:06:53 pm]: David
    I’m using Google Chrome version 30.0.1599.101 m
    [8:07:16 pm]: Chris
    Thank you for your interest in the Marketplace and for sharing your feedback. We apologize for any technical difficulties you may be experiencing as you use We know this can be frustrating, and we’re working around the clock to improve and to make sure your experience with it is a positive one.

    I will make a note of your feedback. In the meantime, you can still complete an application right now by selecting the following link to download a paper application: Choose the application that best fits your needs under “Marketplace Consumer Application.”

    You may also call the Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596 for help with completing an application or to request a paper application by mail.

    Translation: it just doesn’t work at all. I suspect that “Chris” might be a computer autoresponder, not a real person. Note that nothing “he” typed was actually responsive to anything I typed.

    I think that they’ll eventually get the web site to work. It’s actually a pretty simple web site, just a portal, really. Even the government should eventually be able to get something like that to work, if they throw enough billion$ at it.

    But, really, in the long term, the insurance issues are a minor problem compared to what gov’t control is going to do to quality of medical care.

    Of all the countries in the world, Canada is the one most like the USA. If an American visits Canada, more than any other country, he’ll feel right at home. But the Provincial & federal governments have been in charge of Canadians’ medical care for over 40 years.

    It is instructive to examine what happened in Canada when the government took control of medicine.

    Initially, it seemed okay. Through the early 1970s, Canada continued to have world class care. But that didn’t last.

    Milton Friedman famously said, “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there’d be a shortage of sand.” Even some liberals used to understand that principle. Massachusetts Senator Paul Tsongas quipped, while debating the healthcare reform proposals of the day, “If anyone thinks the words government and efficiency belong in the same sentence, we have counseling available.”

    In less than a decade, shortages, triage, and lengthening wait times began to plague Canadians. As the years rolled by, annoying waits turned into nightmarish queues. This 2009 Stossel report on ABC shows what Canadians endure, now:

    And it continues to get worse. According to the latest Fraser Institute report, average wait times for Candians seeking medical care increased by three more days over the last year:

    • gator69 says:

      I wonder when Big Brother will start terminating us for not being BB compliant.

    • Ben says:

      “If you like your healthcare, you can keep it. Period.”

      Don’t think of the president as 100% liar, but as 60% truthful

    • Jason Calley says:

      Well, even the ignorant can see that the current system is not working. There is only one solution. Go to a single payer system. Put the incompetent SOBs who created the current mess in charge of the entire health care portion of our economy.

      Yes, that is sarcasm. Expect to hear it (if you haven’t already) from your local so-called “Progressives.”

    • Lynn Clark says:

      Here’s a 25-minute short documentary about the Canadian healthcare system. The executive summary: Canadians love it until they need it.

  4. The Iconoclast says:

    It’s funny they compared their stuff to Apple. If Apple produced something that didn’t work that badly, they’d go out of business. Better comparisons would be to Blackberry, Novell, Osborne, Commodore, Sequential Circuits, Burroughs, Nixdorf, Digital Equipment Corporation… like that.

    The only way they could have spent a billion bucks on this disaster is total fraud. Where I work we have three million registered users and we built it all for a couple million bucks, a far more complex site, and we have 10,000+ simultaneous users, 20,000 over the holidays. Oh but we were spending our own money, so we had to be careful and work smart.

    • Ernest Bush says:

      In case you missed it, Obamacare is a fraud. It is purposely designed to fail and, in so doing, destroy the insurance industry. Without accomplishing that the progressives can never get their goal of universal healthcare run by the federal government passed.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    The Iconoclast says:
    November 1, 2013 at 12:38 pm
    It’s funny they compared their stuff to Apple. If Apple produced something that didn’t work that badly, they’d go out of business. Better comparisons would be to Blackberry, Novell, Osborne, Commodore, Sequential Circuits, Burroughs, Nixdorf, Digital Equipment Corporation… like that.

    The only way they could have spent a billion bucks on this disaster is total fraud. Where I work we have three million registered users and we built it all for a couple million bucks, a far more complex site, and we have 10,000+ simultaneous users, 20,000 over the holidays. Oh but we were spending our own money, so we had to be careful and work smart.”

    You don’t get it. What you ad your company have been doing is “Old Economy”.

    Obama is the guy of the “New Economy”, devoted to the principle of “Spreading the Wealth” = “Destroying America”.

    Do you get the picture?

  6. gofer says:

    The only happy people are those that are paying nothing and they won’t be happy when they try to go to the doctor and now hospitals are declining to participate. Cleveland Clinic, for example, only takes policies from ONE company.

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