Top UK Scientist Says Moving To Antarctica Is Your Only Hope

Why Antarctica will soon be the only place to live – literally

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor
Sunday, 2 May 2004

Antarctica is likely to be the world’s only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked, the Government’s chief scientist, Professor Sir David King, said last week.

He said the Earth was entering the “first hot period” for 60 million years, when there was no ice on the planet and “the rest of the globe could not sustain human life”. The warning – one of the starkest delivered by a top scientist – comes as ministers decide next week whether to weaken measures to cut the pollution that causes climate change, even though Tony Blair last week described the situation as “very, very critical indeed”.

The Prime Minister – who was launching a new alliance of governments, businesses and pressure groups to tackle global warming – added that he could not think of “any bigger long-term question facing the world community”.

Why Antarctica will soon be the only place to live – literally – Environment – The Independent

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Top UK Scientist Says Moving To Antarctica Is Your Only Hope

  1. Mike says:

    This guy was a well respected lecturer when he taught me in the seventies: it’s a shame to see him lose his marbles in his dotage.

  2. The Independent uses the same fact-checking service as Weekly Works News

  3. Billy Liar says:

    He obviously wants to go down in history as barking mad – there’s plenty of illustrious company.

  4. Phil Jones says:

    This guy is a total tool…. How did he even get published?? Were this even a remote possibility….. Mr Lean and Mikey Mann would stake a claim on Antarctic property… But they’re not folks… They’re not…

  5. Olaf Koenders says:

    “Antarctica is likely to be the world’s only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked”

    I’ve checked it and all is well.

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