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- Luigi on Internet For Drowned Island
- Bob G on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
- Bob G on Internet For Drowned Island
- Disillusioned on A Toast To President Trump
- Disillusioned on Green Energy Progress
- Ulric Lyons on “global climate phenomena, not regional temperature variations”
- Ulric Lyons on New York Times : California Fires Caused By Global Cooling
- Ulric Lyons on Collapse Of The Gulf Stream
- Gerald Machnee on 97% Of Government Experts Agree
- John Francis on A Toast To President Trump
All of these eco-doom prognosticators need to be locked up in padded cells for their own protection
… as well as for our peace and quiet.
Sheesh! It’s like trying to have a pleasant conversation in the presence of thousands of yapping microdogs!!
Paris Hilton and her Microdog carbon footprints.
Padded cells are to good for these idiots –
The educationally challenged Met Office soothsayers should be daily taken out and horse-whipped for each prediction/projection they got wrong.
Gulags in Siberia are most appropriate.
Firstly, since they have been utilized by Socialist slime to imprison non-believers for a century it would be nice payback for them to experience it.
Most importantly, since they truly believe their global warming apocalypse hoax it ought to be just a short matter of time for those gulags to turn into warm and sunny resorts for the rich and famous to flee to.
I hear you, and I like the idea.
The average of crap is not a valid value; it is crap.
UK’s Top Excrement.
Australian climate “expert” says all extreme events are caused by climate change!
So Cyclone Tracy in 1974 was not an extreme event. My sister who survived that by lying in a bathtub for 6 hours while her house blew away would disagree, as would 30000 other Darwin residents in December 1974.
Newcastle University has dumbed down a lot since I studied there, and a PhD doesn’t make you an expert.
Early snow is an extreme event. Two weeks early. Warming is making ice and snow again! Snowboarders must be coming out on the side of CO2.
Published in 2009, when the trend was already below the CO2 held at 2000 levels projection. (much like Hansen) They take the ensemble model mean, and do their projection. How brilliant, when all your models have failed in one direction, way to warm, and you take the mean.
Climate Science is a philosophy not a science. We know little about the 1 million variable convection system named climate. A Phd means nothing – it is a degraded and useless piece of bought paper esp. in soft areas like ‘climate’. Likewise models are quite useless and can be programmed to give whatever answer you desire.
Meanwhile here in Caloundra the weather forecast for Thursday is N/A.