Understanding Global Warming

From reading the press, it is quite clear what we need to do to save the planet.

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In order to be saved, you must believe in global warming. Those who don’t believe in global warming are doomed to an eternal hell fire of 0.6ºC warming.

Unless everyone believes, a giant flood will drown our coasts. The great visionary Al Gore has prophesied this.

You must repent of your carbon sins, and pay your carbon tithes to the government.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Understanding Global Warming

  1. You’ll also be called lots of names like Unbeliever. Sorry I mean’t Denier.

  2. Skiphil says:

    Lonnie Thompson still flogging Mt. Kilimanjaro, where receding ice is well understood to be due to regional land use changes etc:


  3. Chewer says:

    And report your unbelieving neighbors to the Government website.

  4. tom0mason says:

    Lets ‘save the planet’ and waste $billions trying to fix an imaginary problem.

  5. kbray in california says:

    Make them greedy A- Rabs and OPEC pay for all the damages!
    They are the ones who pumped and shipped most of all that damn oil that caused all this!!! Bloody evil rich bastards!!!
    They need to spend all those greenbacks soon while they still have some perceived value.
    And it has always been holy to pay money for your sins.
    “God” and all holy causes always love money.

  6. Andy Oz says:

    According to Australia’s BOM, we are burning up down here because we a rejecting stupid carbon taxes. CAGW is angry with Australia for voting in a sane government and is punishing us heretics. Alarmists can bash it you know where.

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